Chapter twelve: Stop quoting action movies!

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I walk through the busy halls side by side with Natsu when I see Gray approaching us. A goofy grin stretches across my lips.

Ever since the little sleep over we had, we've all gotten closer as friends and I now feel more comfortable around the two.

"Hey, Icepack!" I greet Gray and he smiles lightly, but Natsu on the other hand, growls under his breath at the sight of Gray and mimicks me in what I can only understand as jealousy.

"Hey, Icepack!" Natsu folds his arms across his chest. "Gimme a break." He says in attempt at mimicking my voice (I don't even sound like that) and I turn to him with a glare. What's his problem?

I slap Natsu upside the head.

"The heck was that for, (Y/N)?" Natsu whines, rubbing the spot where I hit him.

"Don't go riding off my nicknames." I cross my arms, pointing a finger of accusation at him.

"Well then, don't go flirting with Ice princess over here," Natsu grumbles, his eyes shouting words while he crosses his arms again after boldly pointing at Gray. Natsu's lips form a pout.

"I can speak to whoever I want." Besides, Gray and I weren't flirting. Just talking, like friends.

Gray feels the need to speak up and I wish he doesn't but I don't have a magic lamp.I discreetly look around for one to see if God has answered my prayer. Nope.

"So, are you two dating or something?" Gray frowns, eyeing the two of us.



These two different answers are heard from the both of us - Natsu and me - simultaneously.

I turned to Natsu in sudden anger. "What the heck? You didn't even ask me out, yet!" I spout in disbelief.

Natsu blinks in innocent realization and I refuse to gush over it. "Oh, yeah, I forgot." He rubs the back of his head sheepishly.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Natsu says, completely straightforward as if we weren't just yelling at each other.

"No." I state, turning away from him.

It had secretly come out like that because he surprised me and I said no on instinct, but he doesn't need to know that. Besides, this could work in my favour.

Gray chuckles in amusement, but quickly seals his lips when I send a glare his way.

He gulps, "Wow, she's almost as scary as Erza." Gray shudders which is weird considering being drenched in ice cold water didn't even get him to bat an eye lash, and he's not even sick!

But who's Erza? A sister maybe?

"Why not?" Natsu pouts again and I blush.

"B-Because you have to put more thought into it!" I reason. He scratches his head, furrowing his eyebrows.

"But it's you, so I don't need to think about it twice." Natsu tilts his head to the side, watching me in wonder and I have to ask myself when he became this cute.

Smooth little- My cheeks are flaming so I quickly turn away from him, my arms surrendering at my sides.


I make it to my locker and shove my books inside when I hear Gray speak up once again.

"So, (Y/N), do you wanna have lunch together?" Gray questions, his hands in the pockets of his black jeans.

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