Chapter four: Lovesick

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I woke up the next morning surprisingly warm. Therefore, there was no way in hell I was removing myself from this bed.

I was wearing my night attire, (temporarily, my clothes are in the wash) consisting of dark grey sweatpants and a plain black long-sleeved turtleneck top.

I sat up to close my curtains, then laid back down in my heated goodness. Gradually, my breathing evened and I fell into a deep slumber.

I felt a presence in my room which made my eyelids twitch. That is until I heard a voice,

"(Y/N), your mom said that it's time to get up for school." This voice belonged to Juvia. I wanted to answer, but it would take a long time for me to get back to sleep and so, I stayed quiet hoping she'll get the memo and leave.

"(Y/N)?" After this call, silence remained in the room. It stayed like this for awhile.

I then felt a chilled breath near my face causing some goosebumps to take over my skin.

I knew I should have opened my eyes but I didn't. I grew anxious and my eyes slowly opened, only to see Juvia an inch away from my face. My eyes widened,


"Oh (Y/N)! You're awake." She stated, moving backward. My lips slightly parted as a bunch of thoughts began to race through my head.

Was she...? No, it couldn't be...

"You had something on your face.." She explained, sheepishly. I nodded slowly,

"Well, okay," I responded, sounding awkward.

"Um, well breakfast is ready." She added, noticing the awkwardness.

"Yeah, about that, I don't feel good. I think I'm running a fever." I confessed.

"Okay, well I'll let your mom know." She said looking concerned. I nodded,

"Hey, and could you bring me some hot chocolate, please?" I asked a little bit hungry. She hummed an answer, then left through the door. I sighed, scared the shit out of me.

I turned on my back, closing my eyes and sighed. I really must be sick. I feel hot and a pain in my chest along with a feeling of worry within my stomach, and my heart is aching for something, but I don't know what.

Juvia finally came back with my hot chocolate. She walked over to me as I sat up and she handed it over. I smiled,

"Thanks, Juvs," I said very happily, enveloped by the warmth of my hot chocolate.

"No problem," She said, sighing as she walked over to me and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Juvia asked, looking over at me.

"Yes?" I respond, sitting up and taking a sip of my delicious hot chocolate.

"How about we both stay home today and go shopping later, I mean I do need some new stuff." She asked I felt like I was going to choke.

"What?" I asked, raising my eyebrows while a hand was on my chest.

She got on the bed fully and crawled over to me. Her legs scrunched to the sides of her bum. She placed a hand on mine.

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