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Back early in the spring of last year,Nick and Kylie were just few weeks into their relationship and everything was just beautiful. It felt really good seeing my bestfriend commit to one girl again,after his breakup with Linda and our beloved Nora,which wasnt a serious relationship though but it even felt better listening to him make a big fuss about Kylie,although,the better part of the really good feeling was that that put a pause to his strings of nights stands and i didnt have to wake up some stinky girl in the morning while stifling an eew,feign nice to make  some coffee before kindly sending her butt out. Though,i  rocked smugging the 'you crashed in my apartment last night,slut' at some of the girls in college.

Though we attended the same college with Kylie,we have never really met until they started dating. She belonged to one of the most popular girl clique on campus that was totally out of my league and our path never crossed with three girls trotting at her tail; Megan, Alexis and Tori. They were the expensive skimpy clothed gals u ll see  at the parking lot purring with the hottest guys wrapped around them. That questioned their compactibility with Nick to me but 'ladies man' he is justified that. It took a while before they really got serious and to everyone's surprise,they became real lovey doveys and before long,turned out mr. alpha and hottest  kylie got trending.

Nick invited Kylie one saturday to our apartment,sounds old fashioned,i had objected but he shrugged it off and i couldnt be more excited to meet her,afterrall my silly bestfriend was already obsessed with this girl. He insisted we bake chocolate cake and order pizza afterwards for the evening. As we got busy into the recipe,i couldnt help but notice he was doing everything possible not to the upset the cake. But then old habit never leaves Nick,as he absent mindedly poked his finger into the emptied dough bowl and tucked it back to his mouth,exposing his dimples as he sucked thoughtfully.

Awww....How adorable,i couldnt help but muse. He sat there at the kitchen table,the empty bowl standing between his rested elbows. He was obviously distracted he didnt see that coming..

"oouch....heyy!"...he whined,nursing his left arm i just punched. "you always pick on this arm" he scowled.

I shrugged and rolled my eyes,picking the bowl away from him and tossing it into the basin.

"So is choc also Kylie's fav or did u make that up?" i asked,standing across by the counter,next to our old oven that began preheating.

"who doesnt love choc cake Hazel?" he said rhetorically,typing away in his iphone.

"so you just made that up then?" i asked again,greasing the pan.

"doesnt matter,girls love chocolate" he said dismissively and shrugged.

I chuckled instead,placing the pan in the oven. Be it her fav or not,Nick is best at convincing people to like what he likes,a charm his eyes are blessed with. Just my treat,I had asked him earlier what Kylie would love to eat. Wouldnt it be nice having your favourite baked by your boyfriend's bestfriend the first time you meet?,infact its the nicest thing that can ever happen to you,i explained,but he wont hear anything for chocolate,so he made that up.

Before long,the pleasant smell of baked chocolate filled the air as the oven timer ticked off. I carefully brought out the pan and wedged it on the counter,slipping the gloves off my hands, as Nick inched closer to the pan. I shot him a glare that says "its not even out of the pan"

"Hot cake" He whined back the look.

"now go clean up whatever mess is left of the house,she should be here any moment from now" i said,pointing at the clock.

"Haaazeeel!.."he whined loudly.

"Goo,go,go,goooo" i commanded,waving him off with a napkin.
She smiled immediately i opened the door. She was wearing a pretty blue dress that barely dropped on her knees,along with fine leather kinky boots,her blonde hair in a tight bun. Her face was lightly contoured, smoky eyes and mascara with faintly shaded brows, the lipstick painted on her lips was picked to match the dress. Its just an indoor dinner,i mentally mused.

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