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The hustles of streaming cars and pedestrian shuffled my contemplation to travel accross the street to Nick's apartment. I stared at the entrance, tucked between a local studio and a pizza parlor. Peter's pizza was the best around here but running into Nick wouldnt be welcomed, not there anyway,im yet to get the hang of my apology line. The reeking boredom that just chased me outside doubled while I stood addled,not certain where to go. Jade was stuck at Carla's beauty shop and havent return any of my calls yet. I felt hungry for company and pizza but my mind opted for plan b.

Strolling down the street, i couldnt help but notice i was one of the only few looking like a maverick, everyone else had company, and for the first time, i ascertained the absence of the luxury of company and what its doing to me right now.

Grumpy old Brian was serving pizza today when i set foot into Brian's Pizza. His friendly twin grandsons were not present and for a moment, i resisted the urge to leave. I took the last booth on the row of 6,at the extreme end and waited patiently for an attendant while tapping my fingers on the table.

"Violet! " I heard a voice, affable to my ears, called excitedly.

A delightful smile uncontrollably stretched on my lips as i looked up from my cell phone. A sudden feeling of warm fuzzies spreaded inside me and gone was the lonliness i was suffering from. Oh my God i cant believet this! A voice inside me had to squeal before i answered.

"Tiffany!" I crowed!, in an expression of unbelievable delight. I dashed out of the booth into her open arms almost throwing us to the floor.

"Ohh my God Violet im soo happy to see you again" she squealed,holding back tears of joy.

"Tiff! Is this really you? , u just dissapeared like a puff of smoke! " i leaned back, squeezing her shoulders.

"I cant believe this! " she squealed in excitement, hugging me tighter a second time.

Standing before me was Tiffany Anderson; a life saver and life changer!, she was like the big sister i never had (More on that later) . Somehow, we lost contact and havent seen or talked in years, and there she was, sent by the universe to make my lonesome and forlon day a better one. The giddiness that happened within me whirled down my appetite for the yummy fresh-from-the-oven pizza as a friendly waiter wedged it between tiff and i.

"What would you like to drink? " he smiled, taking our orders.

"Beer for me" Tiff said,still smiling with glee.

"Soda" i said

"So what brings you here? " i asked, resuming our conversation.

"Work. Work. Work" she griped, behind the cloak of being stressed out, but loving her job all the same.Her outfit spoke of how well this company paid her.

"So you got lost in the world of work and forgot about everyone else" i took a sip of my soda, shrugging in dissapointment.

"I know right? I owe you a thousand apologies sweedy,its all my fault, i ll make it up to you i promise" she broke into her usual smile,reaching across to rub my arm.

"Im so glad to see you again" i smiled back. We went on to reminisce old times, cracking up about funny memories we had shared. The fact that she remembered as much as i did made me happy for a reason

" What about Nick?, how is he doing? " she brightened up again, the adoration she holds for our friendship (Nick and I) crawling back to her face after years.

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