Travelling home.

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I was walking on the side of the road. My phone had 32% charge left and I still had almost 2.7k's left to go. I didn't dare use my phone and I have no money left from my Bon Jovi tour chair bribe, so calling a cab was out of the question. I continued on till I reached home.

I flung the door of my apartment open. Sylvie -my roommate- jumped out of the arm chair she was occupying.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" She all but whispered.

"Shhh!" I hissed. My head was pounding. It was almost 5:00 in the morning and I was in a zombie-like state from exhaustion.

I walked over to my bed and slumped, face-first onto it.

Sylvie went on for what felt like hours, rattling off questions like a bullet train.

I sighed and pushed myself into siting position.

"I took a bus to Southern Cross station then walked to Edihad Stadium, I then..." I paused almost bursting with excitement, "I then MET THEM!!!Oh my HOLY CHEESE Sylvie! I was in heaven!"

She laughed then pressed my for more information.

"What about David? Is he as sexy as he looks on screen?"

That was one of the things I loved about Sylvie, she shared my passion for a certain sexy piano player.

"Bitch please, he's mine!" I laughed, giving her a mock death glare. "But yeah, he was way better." I said dreamily.

We talked for a while more and I explained my lack of money-from-the-bribe problem.

"YOU GAVE THEM 200 DOLLARS?!" she screamed. I grinned wickedly and showed her the chair.

"It was worth it." I insisted. she just shook her head. "Now piss off back to bed!" I grumbled "I need to be at work in 3 hours!"

Despite my major lack of sleep, I struggled to drift off. I lay in bed listening to Sylvie's soft snores. I reached for my phone but realised it was on the charger on the other side of the room.

I sighed and dragged myself out of bed to check the time since we -very stupidly- didn't own a clock.

It was 6:45 so I decide to get ready for work.

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