Stung By A Scorpion

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We were heading to Paweł Maciwoda's house because it was a Thursday and that's the day the whole band goes over to his house and they just chill. I was so nervous I was practically dying but David patted my shoulder reassuringly. I almost cried.

As soon as the car came to a stop I crawled over David and desperately tried to paw the door open but my attempts were gaining me nothing, Jon had put the door on child lock so it could only be opened from the outside.

I gasped before sending him my biggest death glare. He laughed before unplugging his own seatbelt and reaching for the door. He pushed the door with all his might but it wouldn't budge. I laughed hysterically at the shocked face he pulled.

After my laughing fit was over Tico and Richie both tried opening their doors but neither of them would budge. We were locked in.

"Give me a second, I'll call Paweł." David said reaching into his pocket to get his phone. He dialled and held the phone to his ear and waited. Quickly he explained to the Scorpion Bassist how they had been locked in the car out the front of his house.

Once David hung up I asked Jon to turn the car back on so we could open the sky roof. He did an as soon as it was open I tried crawling out of the car through it.

Suddenly -as I was half out of the roof with one leg out and the other half way out- the doors of the house burst open which caused me to jump and squeal as my hand slipped and I fell off the car roof.

I groaned and lay down on the concrete floor trying to gather my breath whilst clutching my wrist which was screaming in pain. I'm pretty sure everyone saw me fall. I think I'll just lie here for a while.... maybe I'll die from embarrassment before they can get to me.

In a flurry of feet The Scorpions were suddenly surrounding me. There was quite a few loud bangs coming from the car just before they reached me. I sat up with a groan. I gasped as a hand gently grasped my chin and lifted my face to meet the face of David.

"Are you alright Trix?" He asked with allot of concern.

"I-I'm fine." I whispered as I watched the Scorpions release the boys from the car. All three of them rushed over to us quickly and I blushed as Richie's eyes hovered over David and my clasped hands.

David wrapped an arm around my waist and another just underneath my knees. I squeaked as he scooped me up and walked me inside before gently placing me onto the couch.

David sat beside me holding my wrist really gently as Matthias ran to get some ice. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Richie smirk as he noticed David holding my wrist. I quickly poked my tongue out at him before anyone noticed...hopefully. Matthias came back seconds later with water dripping from his cupped hands. His hands were filled with ice and it was melting.

"Dude you need to wrap it in a towel first!" Klaus -the lead vocalist and guitarist- piped up before rushing to grab a kitchen towel.

When the guys had wrapped the ice in a kitchen towel successfully (which honestly took allot longer than first thought as they kept dropping it.) they handed it to me. I took it gratefully and placed it slowly onto my wrist. It was colder than I expected so I involuntarily winced. David's head snapped up to look at me and make sure I was alright and I gave him a quick smile.

"So...this is Matrix Rollands? The chick that won the backstage comp for your last Melbourne concert?" James asked as he flopped down onto the opposite couch messily, kicking his shoes off in the process one which went flying and hit Jon in the face messing up his hair and flicking mud onto his skin.

We all laughed like crazy as Jon ruffled his own hair trying to get the mud out whilst spitting on his other hand and scrubbing his cheek.

"Eww dude not like that." Paweł groaned gesturing to the spit on the couch arm right beside Richie's hand. Richie looked to where he was pointing and immediately got up and tried to squish between David and I.

Bed of Roses-A Bon Jovi Fanfiction-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora