Aftermath of the Lowdown

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The whole night after rocking out with Twisted Sister was a blur. My mind -which was still asleep- tried to piece together the fragments. Kid coming over, shooting Alice Cooper with a wine cork, drinking almost a whole bottle of wine by myself, kissing Kid for a photo shoot, playing music with Twisted Sister and kissing David. Wait. What? We KISSED? Shit. Did Lexi see? Holy crap!

My thoughts were just as jumbled up as my hangover brain. My brain woke up and my eyes snapped open from the sound of raging screams. Being still somewhat asleep it took me a few seconds to figure out where I was.

In a bed and someone was next to me.


Looking over I saw a shirtless, messy haired keyboardist with curly blonde hair.

Holy fucking shit!

Did I sleep with David?

At the end of the bed Lexi stood screaming, flailing her arms like a madwoman.

David and I looked at each other completely shocked. He was shirtless and was only wearing boxer pants, I was in an oversized shirt that wasn't mine and my dress was on the floor next to the bed. Neither of us had shoes on.

I got up, holding my arms out to try and reassure Lexi.

"Okay so I know this looks bad..." I began.

"YOU SLUT!" She said yelling. David got in between us and tried to pry his screaming wife off me.

"AND YOU!" She screamed turning to him. "YOU SAID THERE WAS NOTHING BETWEEN YOU TWO! 'SHE'S NOT EVEN PRETTY!'YOU SAID!" Lexi screamed half mimicking her husband half vomit-spitting each word.

I swear I have never felt any more upset then I did when that sentence left her mouth. It was like my whole world just exploded up in my face.

"You-you said that?" I whispered, facing David.

David turned to me, opened mouth and ready to say something when Lexi turned back to me.

"Yes-yes he did." She seemed calmer now as she was much happier ripping my heart out and dancing on it.

"No. I want to hear it from him."

Lexi turned to face me faster than I could comprehend. Maybe that's why I didn't see her fist about to connect with my face.


So, yes I screamed but in my defence; she broke my nose and yes I had all remaining members of Bon Jovi run up to see if everything was alright but I was too hurt, emotionally and physically to pay much attention.

Lexi- who had gone back to raging like a lunatic with David trying to calm her down and Richie, Jon and Tico removing all the valuable and breakable items from the room so she could stop throwing priceless vases at her husband.

I grabbed my dress and slipped it on. I then used the shirt to cover my bleeding nose and with that. I walked out of the house.

I found a passed out Robert snoring on the stairs but I didn't feel like waking him up. He looked too peaceful and I really didn't have the energy to assure him that I was okay, because I really wasn't. I stepped over him and kept walking towards where all the cars were parked.

How was I going to get home? Should I call a cab?

"Need a lift short stack?" I heard from behind me. I knew the voice. I'd know it anywhere.

I turned around.


He took a step forward and gently took the towel of my nose.

"You took one hell of a hit." He said gesturing to my face.

"I don't even know what happened, I-I just. David said. Ugh." I said choking on the tears that threatened to escape. "Fuck. Sorry I don't mean to dump my shit on you."

I took in a deep breath.

"Yeah. A lift would be great if you're offering."

Dee wrapped his arm around my shoulders,

"I'm offering and no shit has been dumped. Well, at least nothing I can't handle." He chuckled leading me over to his bright red vehicle. "Hop in short stack."

Without any hesitation I slipped into the leather seat of the rock lord's car. Dee started up the car and I could feel the engine hum underneath me as we drove off away from all the hurt and pain I had just been a part of.

"You didn't sleep with him you know."


"You were both really smashed so you decided to head up to bed so you wouldn't do anything you would regret and David showed you up to the room. Robert went in to check on you two and you were just asleep on the floor. Robert put you in bed, called me up to help him lift David off the floor." Dee chuckled. "Robert kept checking on you every twenty minutes afterwards. He seems keen."

"That clears allot up. But why would he lead me on like he did. Or was I just stupid?"

Dee sighed heavily, "I don't know short stack."

We drove around until we were almost running on empty, it was then Dee dropped me off at the front of my apartment building.

"Dee, I don't know how to thank you, I really needed that."

"Don't mention it kiddo. Whenever you need a hand, just give me a call." He said slipping me a piece of paper. I smiled and thanked him again as he drove off home.

With a heavy sigh, I turned around and headed off to my apartment ready to just sink into my bed and sleep for eternity. My brain kept travelling back to what had happened over the past two and a half days. I had certainly gotten myself into a deep predicament.

I knew what I had to do know.


Music was always too complicated for its own good. Musicians were just as bad.

As I flopped onto my bed I decided that when I woke up, things would all be different.

I would wake up and forget David Bryan Rashbaum and Bon Jovi altogether.

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