An E-mail Can Change A Life.

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I groaned loudly. My throat was dry and my nose felt like someone had poured alcohol down it.


I slowly raised my head. Sylvie was in the kitchen cooking... Dinner?

"How long have I been out?" I asked groggily.

"Since you got home from work...yesterday."

"Shit." I groaned. I forced myself out of bed and went to take a step, not realising I still had heels on. I fell and landed on my face. I cried out in pain.

"I guess I could have taken those off for you." Sylvie began.

"Bitch." I hissed still lying on the floor.

"Get up! Your computer has been buzzing like crazy. Who gets so many e-mails on a Saturday night. I grinned wickedly and began singing at the top of my voice.

"Tuesday just might go my way!

Can't get worse then yesterday!

Thursday's, Friday's ain't been kind!

But I know I'll SURVIVE!

Yeah I'm feeling like a Monday but someday I'll be SATURDAY NIGHT!!!!"

"Shut up!" Sylvie groaned, she hated that Bon Jovi song. Maybe because I play it every Monday morning as I get ready for work.

"If you weren't singing that song I might have actually thought you were good." Sylvie smirked.

"Sure, sure." I laughed getting up to check my laptop. I sighed as I clicked through all the e-mails from Blake about if he was a colour he would be his favourite and how he could eat chocolate-covered pieces of fish all day everyday. DISGUSTING!

Then one e-mail caught my eye.


I let out such a scream when I closed my mouth my throat tasted like blood.

Sylvie looked at me oddly and them briskly walked over. I pointed to the screen. My voice seemed lost and I felt sick. Sylvie looked at me wide-eyed.

"Is that real?" She croaked. I jumped up and ran to my bedside table to get my address book. All of the band's e-mails still lay in between the first page and the cover.

',, and finally:


"LOOK!" I screamed pointing to the e-mail addresses. We linked hands and jumped up and down screaming our heads off. After about twenty minutes of screaming and carrying on I sat down at my laptop to reply to the e-mail.

It read,


I've been staring at your e-mail, think about what to say but I guess I haven't got much of a private life have I, being in Bon Jovi an all.


I sighed and stared at the e-mail happily.

I then typed back,

Dear David/Mr Bryan/Lemma,

I never would have though someone of your talent and fame would even keep a scrap of paper some random chick gave him at a concert.

The concert was amazing by the way!

P.s those guys left me alone after I yelled at them.

-Matrix R

I screamed happily again an then ran up and hopped into the shower.

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