Wild Thing.

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I cranked the radio up as loud as it could go and inserted BON JOVI: What About Now. The first song "Because We Can" was on and I was singing as loud as I could when I heard a siren behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see blue and red flashing lights.

"Shit!" I swore as I pulled over onto the side of the road.

Behind me the cop car pulled up and a burley looking guy jumped out the left side and walked towards me.

I reluctantly paused the song.

"Miss? You know that any type of music above standard volume setting is labelled a disturbance of peace?" He rasped, holding out his hand for my licence.

Fuck this guy was already scary!

"It's Bon Jovi! "" I groaned. "And it was hardly any louder then standard volume setting." I said. He frowned at me, like he knew I had cranked it up full blast.

"Sir." I added.

He straightened up and crossed his arms.

"Where are you off to Ma'am?"

I gulped. "SHIT!! What do I say?"

"Uhhhhh- a friends house?" I asked more then stated.

"You don't sound so sure Miss Rolland." His eyebrows in raised suspicion as he handed back my licence.

"Oh I'm sorry would you like me to say it again?" I asked sarcastically. It came out ruder then I had planned.

The officer glared at me.

"I'm not liking your tone of voice Miss Rolland." He grumbled.

"Who is this guy? My mother?"

"I am going to a friends house sir. I apologise for my tone of voice may I leave now?" I said slowly.

He stepped back from my car then said I could leave,

"But if it happens again Miss Rolland, I won't be as easy on you."

I sighed as he left and put the radio back on again and turned the volume down slightly before taking off singing "I'm with you".


David POV:

I had been pacing around Jon's lounge room frantically for almost an hour.

"Lemma! What the fuck are you doing?" Jon asked from on the coach.

"Language Jon!" Dorothea quipped before going back to cooking.

I frowned at Jon.

"I have no idea." I admitted.

"It's Matrix isn't it?" Tico asked from beside Jon.

"I think so Tico." I replied.

"But you guys talk all the time Dave!" Dorothea stated.

"I know. it's just- what if-." I was cut off by The door bursting open and Richie walking in, a six string guitar slung over his back.

"Look who I found!" He teased, moving aside to show Matrix.

My heart sped up drastically. She looked real nice in her yellow summer dress. Her hair was down, I liked it like that.

"Hey!" Tico shouted jumping up and hugging her.

"Hey Tico!" She giggled hugging him back.

"S'up Jon?" She smiled.

"Not much." He said shrugging. "Oh, Matrix, this is my wife Dorothea." Jon said guesting to Dorothea.

"I know." she said simply, shaking Dorothea's hand and returning her warm smile.

Then she turned round and saw me. she smile awkwardly and waved.

"Hi David." She said.

"Hey." I said getting up and hugging her briefly.

"So what are we doing today?" Richie asked from over on the couch.

"What do you want to do?" I asked Matrix.

She thought for a while before answering.

"I want to play music." She said smiling happily. She looked so pretty when she smiled...wait, what?

I shook my head to rid myself of the thought.

"Sure!" I said. "we can go over to my house. The music room is bigger and sounds better then Jon's"

"Speak for yourself Lemma." Jon scoffed.

"Nah man, he's right." Richie said with a mouth full of whatever he was eating. I cringed from his disgusting eating habits.

"Ewe Rich, swallow what your eating before you speak." Matrix said wrinkling her nose. Richie pulled a face.

I laughed.

"She got you covered Rich." Tico laughed.

"C'mon, let's go." I said getting up and leading Matrix to my car which was parked out front of Jon's house.

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