Payback With A Reward.

331 17 14


I walked into work looking like I was just awoken from a long, comfortable sleep which, in a way I was.

I dragged myself to the bathroom, brushed my hair and applied a light coat of lip gloss and the usual moisturiser. Make-up wasn't really my thing so I never owned much.

Once finished I walked out of the bathroom refreshed. I slumped down into my surprisingly really comfortable desk chair and sifted through my flooded inbox. No sign of any new David messages. I silently cried in my head. I had shit loads of e-mails from reporters. I chose the good ones and trashed the rest.

Blake was in a meeting and I was really bored so I snuck over to his desk and logged onto his computer. I opened ShinySearch and clicked the button which I knew, would make me laugh later. I left the google homepage open and then ran back to my desk just as Blake ran out with his new secretary behind him. I guess he got rid of that one... What was her name? Bridget, Bianca? I can't remember she was only here for a week.

I stifled a laugh as Blake typed something into the google search bar and pressed enter.

The laugh burst from my lips seconds after Blake nearly shat himself because the computer screen came up with a deformed corpse and the volume (which I had turned fully up) screamed. Man I loved ShinySearch!

Blake look over at me a scowl plastered on his face. My face fell.

"Oh shit." I whispered as I took off as quick as I could down the hallway with Blake hot at my heels.

"I'll get you for this Trix!" He almost shouted. I ran into the staff room and locked the door behind me.

"When I get my hands on you, you'll wish you'd never woken up this morning!" He hissed.

"Already do mate!" I laughed. Then I heard a fain rattle of keys. Blake was unlocking the door. I panicked at first but when I saw the open window I smiled. I put my foot out the window and then my head. I looked down and shuddered. There was seven stories between me and the ground. I grabbed onto the drainpipe and slid down a few inches.

"This.was.a.really.bad.idea." I groaned to myself. I slid down until I found an open window on the third floor. I climbed through it, earning allot of odd looks.

"Don't mind me." I shouted, running through the office. I pressed the down button on the elevator and waited for it to arrive. The doors opened to reveal a very angry looking Blake.

"Fuck!" I cursed. I nearly made it this time!

"Matrix! Why the fuck did you climb out the window?!" He shouted. "You could have died!" He said hugging me slightly.

"Well I didn't! Have a little faith!" I hissed.

"Just don't do it again."

"Why do you care?" I asked now slightly angry.

"Because...because I do okay! Your my best friend!"

I sighed and got into the elevator and pressed the up arrow. Blake didn't follow. He knew I wouldn't talk to him if he did. I got out of the elevator and ran into Liam, one of the interns.

"Hi!" He said happily. "Thanks for putting through my scoop on Brangelina!"

I grinned and walked past him. "Your welcome." I said as I walked off.

I sat at my computer and opened my e-mails. There, unopened, sat an e-mail from David. My anger swept away and I could feel my heart thumping against my rib cage.

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