Meeting Bon Jovi.

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I sighed, and by sighed I mean practically spewed out all my breath then sucked it back up. I took a step into the room and glanced around, ordinary room. Then I saw them.

Jon Bon Jovi, Ritchie Sambora, David Bryan and Tico Torres. I smiled.

"Nope." I said simply and walked back out closing the door behind me. I hyperventilated for a bit and then realised I was waist ing precious time without them. I let out a huge fan girl scream. Flatted my shirt out and went back inside.

I received a few odd looks from the band as I sat down slowly in between Jon and Ritchie. I could hear myself breathing heavily.

The band sat around me smiling.

"H-hi." I chocked out. They began laughing. My heart was all aflutter and my words were jumbled.

"I didn't know they sold Bon Jovi pants." Ritchie said looking at my hand drawn pants.

"They don't." Jon said his face puzzled. I blushed deeply.

"I made them." Four sets of eyes stared at me in disbelief.

"You drew everything?" David asked. I nodded shyly. Tico bent down to inspect.

"Every little freaking detail is here!" He exclaimed.

"How long did it take?" Ritchie asked.

"Almost a whole year." I exclaimed. "I used so much paper drafting out Tico and Jon that I had to jump to doing David and Ritchie other wise I would have used all of my $100 worth of drawing paper."

"What was so hard about us?" Tico asked.

"J-Jon's hair." I said shyly. "And your head shape." David laughed. There was no mistaking that his laugh was sexy.

The four hours continued quickly. I got hundreds of photos with everyone. I especially liked getting them with David, his strong arm draped over my shoulder. Wait. You don't just say that. Wtf Matrix?

They all signed my shirt and we chatted about life as celebrities. soon it was time to go because they had to get ready for the concert. I hugged all four of them and left sadly. Well not entirely sadly. as soon a the door shut I jumped up and down and screamed with happiness. Jon Bon Jovi, Ritchie Sambora, David Bryan and Tico Torres had all exchanged e-mails with me!

Bed of Roses-A Bon Jovi Fanfiction-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin