The Pleasure's Not Worth The Pain

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Liza POV
Today is Sunday and it's just a lazy day. I have some homework to do and I will find some movie or show to watch. It's only 11:00 a.m. and I'm lying in bed listening to music when I get a text from David. I was shocked because he has not texted me since we became more than just friends. It was a simple good morning text with a winky emoji and I replied with a blushing emoji. Immediately after my phone started to ring and I blushed so hard as I shakily answered it.
(Phone Call)
D: Hey. You wanna do something today?
L: Depends on what that something is. (I always become so bold when I'm interacting with David)
D: It might involve a really intense make out session.
L: I like the sound of that. Maybe we can go out, you know, like a walk in the park?
D: Too cheesy. Besides, I don't want to waste time walking when I could be enjoying all you have to offer.
L: Let's make a deal. You accompany me to a walk in the park and I'll rock your world when we come back to my place.
D: Hmm. Why should I agree to that?
L: Because you're the one benefitting the most.
D: Isn't your mom home?
L: She won't be until 5:00 p.m. so we have a lot of time.
D: Fine. Do you have anything sexy to wear? I can buy you something.
L: I don't want you buying me stuff. I could get something myself. Where would I even get that stuff?
D: Idk. You're a girl. Figure it out.
L: Okay fine. Today is going to be amazing!
D: See you at 1:00 p.m.?
L: Yeah that's good.
D: Bye babe.
L: Bye baby.

Holy shit! Why did I just call David baby? I've fallen so hard so fast and it honestly scares me because I would do anything for him. I climb out of bed and change into some sweats and a tank top. I grab my backpack with my purse and house keys and run downstairs. I go outside and take my bike from the garage, hop on and started pedaling to VS . I got there in 15 minutes and I locked my bike and walked into the building. I felt like a pariah in this huge store which was filled with grown fashionable women and grown men. I walked through the aisles until I found the lingerie section. I looked at the pieces and I couldn't fathom the idea of wearing any of them. After 5 minutes of torture, I turned around and walked out the store. I grabbed my bike and pedaled all the way back home.

I stripped out of my clothes and stared at my body in the mirror. I hoped that David wouldn't be disappointed that I didn't get anything sexy to wear. He did say he thought that I was sexy, hopefully I'd be enough as I was. I became more confident as I thought about all the times he complemented my body. I walked into my bathroom and took a long shower, washing my hair too. I walked out of the bathroom and saw that it was already 12:30. I dried my hair and body and got dressed in a cute outfit, then I heard the doorbell. I quickly applied some gloss to my lips and put my hair up in a bun then ran to answer the door.

I smiled warmly at David and he smiled back giddily.

D: Ready for our date?
L: Yeah, just let me get some shoes.

I put some flats on, close the door and start walking beside David. The park is only 5 minutes away so we get there and continue walking around, enjoying the scenery.

L: This is so peaceful. This is technically my first date.
D: Really? I remember when I used to date Kaitlinn. She was so boring. All we ever did was go to McDonald's and eat shitty burgers. I wish this my first date too, because you're so much more fun.
L: Thanks David. Let's go on the swings. I'll race you.

We run to the swings and and start elevating ourselves at the same pace. We then try to see who can go higher until my head started to swing. I slowed down and David jumped off the swing and rushed to my side.

D: You okay?
L: Yeah, my head is just out of sorts.
D: You sure?
L: 100%
D: Okay great. We should probably do something else.
L: That's a good idea.

I felt so happy on the inside. David really cared about me, this was the best day. I haven't moved from the swing as my head is still slightly swinging. David holds my head up and leans in to kiss me. His lips meet mine and it's feels like heaven. He continues to kiss me and I kiss back. The kiss doesn't last too long but it was the best kiss ever. I blush hard and hide my face but David moves my hand and stares into my eyes.

D: You're absolutely beautiful and I'm so glad that you're mine.
L: You too.. Me too.. (I stumble over my words)

David blurts out laughing and I laugh along with him. This is the best first date ever and I think David may be falling in love with me. I'm so damn giddy and I hope that the rest of our day is just as great.

David holds my hand as we walk back to my place. I can tell that he's anticipating what is to come and honestly, I am too. We stumble through the door and I am met by my father standing in the doorway. I internally curse and prepare for the worst.

Dad: Where are you two coming from? And Liza why are you even out of the house on a Sunday?
L: We umm.. Just went to the park because I was bored at home alone.
D: Hi Mr. Koshy.
Dad: Hello David. You couldn't have told your mother that you were going out. We were worried about you?
L: I'm sorry Dad. It slipped my mind. It won't happen again.
Dad: It's fine. Just call next time.
D: I'll take my leave now. Goodbye Mr. Koshy.
Bye babe.

David POV
Oh shit! What did I just do? I called her babe in front of her dad. Shoot shoot! She's probably gonna be in so much trouble.

Liza's POV

Dad: Babe?! Are you and David dating? Why is he calling you that?
L: It's not like that. We're not dating. We just umm, umm, he just calls everyone that.
Dad: Liza, tell me the truth. I won't be mad if y'all are dating.
L: Really? I mean hypothetically, what would be your reaction?
Dad: Stop beating around the bush and answer my question.
L: Yeah, well sorta, I mean sure.
Dad: Hmm. Was he at this sleepover that you wanted to go to so badly ? Don't lie to me, I can see right through you.
L: Yeah. I'm so sorry I lied, I just really wanted to spend time with David and I know you wouldn't have let me go if you knew boys would be there.
Dad: Liza don't practice lying to me because when the trust is broken, our relationship won't be the same. Have you lied to me about anything else?
L: No dad. I'm really sorry.
Dad: Did you and David do anything at this sleepover?
(Liza's Thoughts)
Should I lie? I should. I can't tell my dad what happened. He would never let me see David again. But I really don't want to keep lying to him. I can't keep lying. I love my Dad too much and I don't want to ruin our relationship, even if that means sacrificing my relationship with David. I'll just tell him the truth.

D: Liza answer my question!
L: We slept together. I'm so sorry I did, I shouldn't have, I know but I wasn't thinking straight. Please don't be mad.
D: This is why you wanted to go to that sleepover?! I let you out of sight for a minute and you do this?! I trusted you Liza. Why would you even think of doing something so stupid?!
Don't say anything else. Go to your room! You're just 15 Liza, what is happening to my little girl?
L: Daddy I'm so sorry. Please forgive me.

I go to my room and scream my heart out. Why am I such a screw up? I knew I wasn't cut out to be that type of person yet I got myself caught up with David. How did I let him get through to me? Why did I give myself to him so easily? I'm such a slut. I hate myself. I stay in bed and cry for the rest of the afternoon. I hear my mom come home and I hear her and Dad arguing about me. I caused all of this uproar for a few moments of pleasure. I'm so stupid. I hate myself!! I just wish the pain would go away. I cry until I fall asleep. I'm going to try to fix this. I have to make my parents trust me again.

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