Everything Got Bad

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Liza's POV
I tried calling David to tell him about dinner but he would not pick up. Eventually I had to hand my phone over to my dad and I went to bed worrying about David. I grabbed my laptop from my desk and logged into my Instagram. I DMed David and waited for a reply but he never saw my messages. He must already be asleep then. I quit worrying for a while and I fall into a deep slumber.
I wake up from a very disturbing dream only to realize it's already Thursday morning and I have school. I look across at my clock which says 6:00 a.m.  so I decide to sleep in some. I am awaken by a knocking on my door and I wonder who it is. I go to the door and open it and before I can process any words I am attacked by my sister who brings me to the floor. She tickles me and I giggle loudly and my breath quickens.

R= Rachel
R: God you're so much bigger now! I missed you sis.
L: Way to make fun of my small size. You know I have not grown an inch since we last saw each other.
R: You love me.
L: I do but I have to ask why are you home?
R: Your birthday is in two weeks. Omg, did you forget your own birthday?
L: Honestly, yes. I've just been so busy with school and David and I got myself in a lot of trouble so I wasn't thinking about celebration and you know how much I hate getting older.
R: You're such a party pooper. Whether you like it or not I'm throwing you a Sweet 16 Birthday Bash. Btw, who is David? And what trouble did yourself into?
L: David is my boyfriend and it's a long story. I have to get ready for school so I promise I'll tell you about it tonight.
R: Fine.
L: Also, a part of my punishment is no parties so I'm not sure if mom and dad will allow that birthday bash.
R: Don't worry about that, I'll talk them into it. You deserve the best birthday and I haven't been checking in on you a lot so I feel kinda guilty.
L: You shouldn't. You have a new life with Connie now and that's where your main focus should be. How is my amazing brother-in-law btw? I haven't talked to him in forever.
R: He's great. We're great. Everything is great.
L: Okay then. No need to rub your perfect little life in my face.
R: Hahahahahha . Go get ready for school. I'm making you late.

We get up from the floor and share a long hug before I grab my towel and enter my bathroom. I take a quick shower instead of a bath this morning so I could spend more time with my sister before school. She calls to me while I'm in the shower.

R: Where is your phone?
L: Dad has it.
R: Why?
L: Consequence.
R:  What the hell did you do child? Anyways, where's  your uniform?
L: Closet. Right side. I think it needs to be ironed a bit.
R: Cool. I got you.

I walk out of the bathroom in my towel.

R: Uniform all set.
L: Thanks.

I quickly lotion my skin and get dressed then tie my hair up into a messy bun.

L: How is it?
R: You look great. I guess you're not eating breakfast. Want me to grab you a snack?
L: Sure. Thanks sis.

I put my sneakers on and tie the laces then I toss the books and other things I need into my bag when I hear my Dad honking outside. I look in the mirror once more then run downstairs. Rachel hands me a box of juice and a small paper bag with, I'm hoping, lots of junk food and I tell her bye and run to the car and jump in.

L: Sorry dad.
Dad: I'm gonna be late for work. Why did you take so long?
L: Rachel and I lost track of time catching up.
Dad: So that's where she was. Did you eat anything?
L: No but Rach packed a snack for me. I'm gonna eat that now.
Dad: Don't forget to find out if David is coming tonight.
L: I won't.

Dad hands me my phone and continues to drive in silence and I eat my chocolate chip cookies and apple slices and drink my juice.
Dad pulls into the school's driveway and I hop out the car. He waves and I wave back as he drives off. I fast walk into the school as I hear the bell for first period.
The first half of the day moved by rapidly and now I'm walking to lunch anticipating seeing David. The cafeteria is already filled with a bunch of loud and lousy teenagers. The floor already covered with stray food and some clumsy person's entire lunch tray.
I fill my tray up with the little food I can actually tolerate and walk over to our table and see that David isn't there.

L: Hey guys. Y'all saw David?
M: Nope. Haven't seen him for the day. He wasn't in Geology either. Now that I think about it, that's really strange. You should probably call him and see what's up.
L: Yeah, and he wasn't answering my calls last night either. I hope nothing is wrong.

I sit at the table and call David but he doesn't answer. I call about four more times and no answer. Now, I'm terribly worried. What if he got run over by a drunk driver last night when he left my place? I try not to think of the worst as my friends try to assure me that everything is probably fine. I calm down and pick at my food and gaze around the cafeteria.

A: If you want we can go by his place after school and see if he's there?
L: I have to go straight home.
A: Me and Meghan can go then and we'll tell you what we find out.
M: Yeah. I can go.
L: Thanks so much guys. I don't know what I would do without y'all.
G: Stop being such a crybaby. You can be really pathetic sometimes.
L: What the hell are you talking about Gabbie?
G: Don't pretend like you don't act like the world is against you so people feel bad for you and do whatever to make you happy. You're such a spoilt brat. I don't know how I managed to be friends with you for so long. You act like the princess of this group and we are your servants who have to make sure you're happy 24/7.
L: Gabbie that's not true. Why would you say those things about me? All I've ever been to you was a good friend. This is truly shocking. I hope you don't come running back to me when you realize that you're wrong.

I grab my stuff from the table and storm off. I hear Meghan cursing at Gabbie then I hear footsteps racing behind me. I make it out to the hallway and Meghan and Aislinn walk up to me.

A: You alright?
L: Yeah I'm fine. Today is just turning out to be so bad. I don't know what's wrong with Gabbie, she's never been so mean to anyone.
M: Don't worry about her. She's just jealous of you and it's finally rubbing in that she will never be as loved as you are. You have me and Aislinn and David to help you with whatever you need because you're our best friend.
L: I love you two so much.

We share a group hug then we separate when the bell rings and head to our classes. I now realize that I have a class with Gabbie. I hope she trips on something and never make it to class.
The afternoon session ends and I meet up with Meghan and Aislinn outside before they leave to go by David. They tell me everything will be fine then we walk to the bus station together. We have to use the same bus but I have to stop off before them. I wave at them when I get off the bus before it drives off. I quickly walk the short distance home and go straight to my room and throw myself on my bed, not so patiently waiting to hear from my friends or even better David. I was so happy that my sister was visiting but today just smacked me on the ass.

AN: This was just a calm chapter to introduce/develop some characters. The action should happen in the next chapter. Everything will start to get dramatic, bad drama that is. I should write that chapter by Wednesday so I'll upload Wednesday or Thursday. Vote and comment your thoughts.
Thanks for reading guys! Be patient and wait for the action. 😂
Btw my name is Danielle, my friends call me Dani. 😀

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