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Liza's POV

School ended about half hour ago and I'm still waiting for David in the parking lot. He'll have to make it up to me for making me wait so long. I lean against someone's car and tap my feet anxiously against the concrete ground, humming a tune and observing all the people that go to my school. Sometimes I wish that I was friends with everyone here. It would be cool to know a little about what's going on in everyone's life. I'm nosy like that. I heard a sharp ring, distracting me from my thoughts. I smiled when I saw that Dave was calling. I answered quickly and just listened to him breathing into the phone. He said nothing and I could almost feel him next to me. I turned around to back the wind and that's when I saw my favourite person walking towards me. I ended the call and ran to him. He lifted me into his arms and spun me around while I screeched in pleasure.

L: Baby let's not waste any more time.
D: About that, maybe we should do something else. Maybe get an early dinner or go to the beach or we can go back to that park and be complete kids.
L: Well, I'm not complaining but how come you're turning down sex with your hot girlfriend.
D: I just, I don't feel right about having sex with you after what happened with Rebecca. I need you to trust me again. I can't just focus on the physical anymore. We need to connect on a deeper level.
L: Man you sound like a poet now. I like this side of you. I want to go to the beach. Maybe we can go skinnydipping.
D: You wouldn't! You're too innocent.
L: Me? Innocent? I think you've got the wrong girl.

David and I ran to the bus as it was just about to leave. We sat in the back, holding hands and grinning at each other. This was truly my happy place. I have my man back and nothing is ever going to come between us again.

L: Dave?
D: Yes love.
L: Where is the beach? Where are we supposed to stop off?
D: Oh shit! We passed it.

David quickly pressed the buzzer and the bus came to a slow halt. We ran out of the bus and continued to run down the street. I was completely trusting David in this moment. I had no clue where we were going and I wasn't the least bit worried.

D: We're almost there. It's a hidden part of the beach. No one else should be there. There are these large boulders blocking it off from view  and there's a mini cave at the edge. Also the sand is like milk white. Trust me, you'll love it.
L: I never had a doubt.

We finally reached the spot. It was absolutely beautiful and the water appeared green in the sunset. David and I ran up and down the small stretch of sand then we collapsed on a large boulder where we watched the sunset. It was the best feeling I've had in forever. I sat between David's legs and rested my head on his chest. He kissed my head and then my neck while squeezing me like someone was trying to take me away. Soon it became dark and then all we did was talk, for what felt like hours we talked about any and everything that came to our minds. I truly admired the way that he thought, the way his brain over analyzed simple things, the way his words made him seem incredibly cocky but when you listened closely enough all you could hear was pure intelligence. David was perfect, in every way but I could tell that he was hurting. His dad died a long time ago but when he talked about it the pain felt newer than ever. His siblings lived in Chicago with his aunt and uncle because his mom was crazy. He said he stayed in California to take care of her. As much as he hated her, he still loved her. Two hours had passed and we stopped talking. We just held hands like our lives depended on it. I could feel all his pain. I knew that he wanted to cry but he wouldn't in front of me. David finally let go of my hand and said that he should take me home. Thats when I realized that it was too late to get a bus and we lived too far away from here.

L: David, how the hell are we gonna get home?
D: Shit! Um I'll try Zane and Alex, I think they would be able to come out now.
L: Well this was very smart..

Luckily, Zane came to pick us up since he had his own car and his parents weren't home. He pulled up to my place and  before I went inside to face the music, I had to makeout with my boyfriend. We kissed like it was the last time we were going to see each other and we didn't stop until Zane agressively cleared his throat. I thanked zane and rushed into my house. Lord help me come up with a lie. God, that's f**king ironic, I thought to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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