Dinner Drama

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Liza's POV
Meghan called me to say that no one was home at David's place. I swear events just keep getting stranger. I'm still lying in bed in my school uniform because I have no will to do anything. Suddenly, my phone starts to ring and I see David on the screen. I scramble to answer it and I am out of breath.

(Phone Call)
D: Hey. Are you okay?
L: OMG David ! Where are you?!
D: I went on a trip with my family today, we will be back tomorrow.
L: Shit babe! You had me worried sick. Why didn't you call to tell me?
D: I'm sorry, I forgot. I wasn't in the right frame of mind because my parents basically forced me to go with them. I'm just so angry with them, I can barely function.
L: I'm so sorry baby. I wish I could be there for you. When you get back tomorrow I will make you feel better.
D: Liza I'm so sorry.
L: What are you sorry for? I understand why you didn't call.
D: I'm sorry I'm such a bad boyfriend.
L: Babe you are not.
D: Just remember when everything gets bad that I am deeply in love with you and I will always be here for you. I hope you can see past my mistakes and love me just as much as you do now.
L: David what the hell are you talking about? What mistakes? What is getting bad? Please don't say you're breaking up with me. David you can't do this to me. Please don't hurt me like that.
D: I'm just so sorry Liza.

David hangs up and I start to cry. I lay in bed still in my uniform until I hear my sister say that I have to come down to help prepare dinner. I quickly change out of my uniform, take a quick shower and get dressed in a casual dress. I race downstairs after my mom calls me for the second time.

M: Hey. Are you okay?
L: I'm great.

I set the dinner table and place the food dishes on the table. Mom made a lot of food because we were expecting David and Rachel was here. I was trying my best not to cry as I sat down at the table waiting for mom to come sit to start eating.
Mom finally sits down to the table and my dad says grace before we start eating.

M: Liza, you didn't say why David couldn't make it to dinner.
L: He went, um, out of town on a family trip today so he couldn't come.
M: Oh okay. Well tell him when ever he's free he is welcome to come for dinner.
L: I don't think he'll be free anytime.

Right that moment the doorbell rings and my mom gets up to go see who's there. I silently started to cry as I thought about David breaking up with me. I don't think I'll be able to continue living without David. Rachel noticed I was crying but mom walked back into the kitchen and told me that a friend came to see me and that they were in the living room. I quickly sprinted out of the kitchen so she couldn't see I was crying only to meet Rebecca standing in my living room with my baby photo in her hand. I wiped my tears and approached her.

L: What the hell are you doing in my house?
R: Woah! Calm down boo. I just came to talk, you know, girl to girl.
L: You have five minutes to say what you want then please remove yourself from my house.
R: I think I'm gonna take my time talking like your boyfriend did while f*****g me.
L: What?
R: Oh I see he didn't tell you, better for me.
L: Start making sense or get out my house now.
R: David came over by my place and we had sex, several times actually, all over the house. He's really good in bed, not that you would know. Anyways, I just thought that telling you was the kind thing to do. You know us women have to look out for each other .

I slap Rebecca right across her face and push her through the door.

L: Get the f**k out and never come back here, you bitch!

I run up to my room when my family runs into the living room and shut my door. I scream into my pillow and cry my heart out. Why would David cheat on me? Is that why he was breaking up with me? Because he liked f*****g her more? I hate my life. Nothing is ever good in my life for too long. I still love David. It hurts that he cheated but somehow in this moment where I'm so mad at him, I miss him too. As for Rebecca, I hope she dies on her way home. I knew that bitch was trouble from the start. I drift off to sleep after crying some more, ignoring the constant knocking on my door.

High School Blues /DizaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin