I Screwed Up

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David's POV
I felt so bad. I probably got Liza in trouble again, I can be so irrational sometimes. I'm walking back home thinking about Liza and how much I loved her and what I was gonna do about the Rebecca situation when my phone started to ring. It was Rebecca and I stared at her name on the screen for half a minute before I decided to answer.

(Phone Call)

R: Hey Davey! Why did you take so long to pick up?
D: Hey. Um, sorry bout that. I was in the middle of something.
R: Oh. Are you with your girlfriend?
D: No. I'm home. Did you want something?
R: Oh, yes. My computer is acting shitty again and I need to get some work done so I was hoping you could drop by and check it out.
D: It's really late. Aren't your parents home? Would they want me over so late?
R: They're not home. They work out of town a lot so I'm alone most of the time.
D: Okay. I'll drop by but I can't stay for long. My parents won't  know I'm leaving.
R: Thanks so much Davey! You're an amazing friend.
D: See ya soon.

I hang up and then mentally curse myself for agreeing to go by Rebecca. I felt like I was walking into dangerous waters, something was off about her or maybe I'm just being weird because of how Liza feels about her.
I get to her house in 15 minutes and I'm kind of tired from walking so much. I knock on the door and I hear her shout "I'm coming".

R: Hey, you look tired. Did you walk all the way here?
D: How else would I have gotten here?
R: Aaaw. You walked so far just to help me out. You're too sweet. Come in.
D: Thanks.
R: Follow me.

I walk behind Rebecca up the stairs and I can literally see her ass because her shorts are so tiny. I try not to stare but she purposely sways it in my face. We make it to the top of the long staircase. Did I mention she lives in a mansion? I follow her into her room and take a seat at her desk before checking out the computer.

R: It's not connecting to the Wifi.
D: There's something wrong with the Wifi.

Rebecca's POV
I show David where the wifi is set up and I make sure to bend right over to show him where the wires run. I can tell I'm getting to him because his speech becomes nervous. He eventually discovers an unplugged cord and fixes it. He checks the computer and tells me I'm all set. I smile broadly at him.

R: Thankyou so much David. You're the only person that I can call for help when I need it, especially with my parents not being here.
D: It's nothing. I'm always glad to help a friend out.

I start to straighten my bed sheet so that I can bend over in front of David.

D: Uhm, I'm gonna go now. It's really late.
R: You don't have to go so soon. At least let me give you something for your help. Do you want a drink?

David's POV
As uncomfortable as I was I realized how thirsty I was after walking for so long so I said yes to a drink.

R: Be right back. Sit tight.

I remain at her desk and look around her room. It's a really large, expensive looking room. I move over to her bed which is incredibly soft so I throw my self on it and relax a bit. Soon afterwards I can feel myself getting sleepy. I doze off for a while until I feel a weight around my waist. I jump up only to see Rebecca sitting on me and she places a finger on my lips, shushing me. I'm still in shock as I feel her beginning to grind on me. She's rubbing herself on my crotch and I start to get excited. I feel blood rushing through my penis and I look up at Rebecca. She's smiling at me then she starts to moan loudly and grinds on me faster. My erection is quite noticeable and she leans in to me and whispers "I'm gonna make you cum" into my ear. I'm still shocked by all that was happening but everything felt so good and I just needed to let go. Rebecca unzips my pants and frees my penis from my boxers. She pulls off her panties and climbs back on me. She rubs her self on me harder and harder until I cum all over her stomach. While I'm coming down from my high I feel her hands on my penis and she's trying to put it in her. That's when reality sets in and I jump up, pushing her off me.

D: Rebecca what the hell?!
R: What? Come back in bed. Don't you want me to f**k you? Don't you want to cum inside me?
D: Rebecca this is crazy. What's wrong with you? We're just supposed to be friends.
R: But you liked it. I know you want more David. Stop playing around. Your stupid virgin girlfriend can't make you feel so good.
D: Don't talk about my girlfriend. This was a huge mistake. Don't talk to me again.

I run out of her room and through the front door while fixing my pants. I run straight home and go into my bed and cry. How was I so stupid? I cheated on my girlfriend with that bitch. I should've listened to Liza. Rebecca was bad news. Now Liza's probably gonna break up with me when she finds out. I have to tell her before Rebecca does or else I won't have another chance. I can't lose Liza, she's the love of my life.

AN: Two chapters in one day. I was inspired by the feedback. Keep voting and commenting. Hope you guys enjoyed this one. Not sure when I'll update again.

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