F**k You For Hurting Me

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Liza's POV
I am awakened when I hear shuffling in my room. I cautiously opened my eyes only to find Meghan standing above me, staring at me.

L: What the f**k are you doing in my room?
M: Oh, umm. I snuck in through your window. I was really worried about you. You didn't call me back last night. And I still don't know where David is. I just wanted to check up on you.
L: Jeez meg. It's fine. Actually, David called me last night.
M: Oh good, great.
L: Not great. Something else happened last night. Something terrible.
M: What is it?
L: Rebecca came by my house. David is sleeping with her and she came to rub it in my face. I slapped her and pushed her through the door. I hate that b***h!
M: What do you mean David is sleeping with her? Your David? Our David?
L: What other David do you know?
M: You've got to be f**king kidding me. I'll see you at school. I'm about to go kill that motherf**ker.
L: Oh my God Meghan! Please calm down. I can deal with this by myself. I don't need your help. I can handle my own man.
M: You clearly cannot. You let him cheat on you right under your nose. How long has it been going on?
L: Idk. I think it was a one time thing. Or maybe not. He tried to break up with me last night. I think he's leaving me for her.

I break out in tears and Meghan holds me to her chest and tells me it's going to be alright. Then the pounding at the door started. I internally curse and screamed that I would be down in half an hour. Thankfully it stopped and Meghan continued to question me.

M: What exactly did David say?
L: I don't remember.  Just that he was sorry and he wanted me to remember that he loved me. It just doesn't make sense. Why would David cheat on me? He loves me right? Maybe it was just a one time thing, maybe he was just horny.
M: That's not an excuse for what he did Liza. Just get ready for school and let me go talk to david. I won't kill him...yet.
L: Ughh, fine. I love you so much Meghan.
M: Love you too babe. I'd kill for you if it came to that.
L: Please don't.

I watch as she descends the wall from my window. Fricken talented b***h! Then I hurriedly strip and walk into my bathroom.

I run downstairs when I hear my dad making music with his horn.

I walk into school and I feel an intense feeling of people staring at me but no one is. I walk to my locker to retrieve some books then I go to the auditorium to wait for Meghan. I play with my fingers and constantly check my phone for messages.

The distant sound of footsteps startles me and I raise my head, only to see the cause of all my pain walking towards me.

D: Liza, baby hey.
L: Are you serious?
D: I'm very sorry about yesterday and that I didn't call you but something happened and I want you to understand that it meant nothing. I'm sorry about how our conversation ended last night. Please just hear me out.
L: I can't deal with you right now. I have to go to class.
D: Liza wait! Just meet me here at lunch please.
L: I'll think about it.

David's POV

I watch the love of my life walk away from me and tears start to fall from my eyes. It's crazy how one moment of misjudgement can ruin so much. I really wish I didn't have to tell her that I cheated. I hate myself even more than I hate the thought of breaking her heart.

I sailed through the first two classes of today and now I'm hurriedly walking to the auditorium to meet liza, hopefully she would come.
A few moments later she walks into the dark room with a sad expression on her face. I think she really thinks that I want to break up with her. I just need to get this all out now and win my baby back.

D: I'm really glad you came.
L: Make it fast, I need to get lunch.
D: You never really eat though. Anyways, firstly, I'm not breaking up with you. Last night I was really emotional and some things were weighing me down. I did something wrong and I'm really sorry about it and I should've stopped it but I was in shock and in the moment. I was at Rebecca's place because she wanted me to fix her computer. I shouldn't have gone in the first place because I should've respected how you felt about her and it was really late but I was just trying to help and I thought that she was a friend. I fell asleep for awhile on her bed because it was so late and I was tired and when I woke up she was on top of me. I was in complete shock and I couldn't move or realize what was happening. The next thing I know, she was naked and trying to force herself onto me. That's when reality set in and I pushed her off me and got out of there.

I finally looked into Liza's eyes to see what she was feeling but there was nothing, no pain, no anger, no tears, just a stone cold, expressionless face.

Liza? Please say something..
Baby I'm really sorry for not listening to you and for letting her take advantage of me. I really didn't want to do it. I hope you can forgive me in time.

Liza ran to me and hugged my torso really tight and started sniffling.

L: So you didn't sleep with her? You didn't screw her several times. She made it all up.
D: What do you mean? Rebecca talked to you?
L: She came to my house last night. Swear that you didn't sleep with her, swear that you don't want to dump me for her.
D: Liza I would never. I swear. What I just told you is all that happened. I promise.  Thankyou so much for understanding. I truly am sorry for everything that I put you through.
L: David, f**k you for hurting me and I love you so much.
D: I love you too babe. So much that it's unhealthy.
L: I want to end Rebecca's life, or at least her social life.
D: That is something we could do.

Liza's POV

David finally hugged me back and ran his fingers through my hair. I felt so relieved to have my boyfriend back and I'm happy that he didn't mean to cheat on me. He really does love me, I have no more reason to doubt him.

D: Can I kiss you?
L: Of course.

We kissed for a few seconds then headed towards the cafeteria for lunch.

L: Oh David, Meghan might be really angry with you.
D: You told her Rebecca's lies?
L: Yeah I'm super sorry.
D: It's fine. It's totally not your fault.

L: David.
D: Uhmm.
L: Can we have make up sex tonight?
D: Whatt??
L: I really missed you and we haven't had sex since, well the first time. Please?
D: Are you sure? What about your dad?
L: He's a non-issue. I'll come to your place. I'll just make up a lie for not going home.
D: Okay. As long as you don't get in trouble.
L: I'm really excited.
D: I can see.

I slapped David's arm and we walked into the cafeteria hand-in-hand.

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