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I get home early after school and do some homework while waiting for my parents to come home. I kept thinking about David so I texted him. He didn't reply so I decided to call. He picks up and I speak.

(Phone Call)
L: Hey what's up? I texted you a while ago. Are you busy?
D: Yeah, I'm actually really busy but I won't forget to call tonight. Bye.

I guess I'll have to wait till tonight to find out what's going on with him. I hear a car pulling into the driveway and I look through my window and see it's my mom. I run downstairs to greet her.

L: Hey mom. You're home early.
Mom: I'm not feeling too well so I came home to get some medicine and nap.
L: Sinuses?
Mom: Uh huh. How was your day?
L: Great, actually amazing.
Mom: You wanna tell me all about it?
L: No mom, I don't want to tell you all about it. You need any help?
Mom: No, I'm alright.
L: Okay then.

I climb up the stairs and go back to my room and check my social media. I wasn't really active on any of the sites but I decided to post a selfie on Instagram. It got tons of likes from the people who followed me even though I never posted. I then stumbled upon a novel that I got last Christmas and I decided to start reading it.
It is 7:30 p.m. when I put the book down and start to worry about David again. I strip out of my clothes and take a long hot shower before getting dressed in my pajamas. I sit on my bed with my phone in front of me anxiously waiting for Dave to call. A sudden knock on my bedroom door startles me and I jump up to go answer it. It's my dad and he asks to come in. I let him in and he sits on my bed then I sit beside him.

L: Are you going to tell me my punishment?
Dad: Let's not consider it to be punishment, they're consequences for your actions.
L: Okay..What are they?
Dad: You're not allowed to spend time with David outside of school unless me or your mom is around. No parties,sleepovers,dates and the like. You will come home immediately after school everyday. That's my final decision, no ifs or buts.
L: Okay fine.

My phone rings and David's face appears on the screen.

Dad: One more thing, no phone after 7 p.m.
L: But
Dad: No buts.
L: Can I at least answer this. I won't take long.
Dad: Fine.

I race into my bathroom and answer the phone. I tell David about my punishment and that I'll talk to him tomorrow. He says that he loves me and I say it back. I was dying to know what he had to do after school but I decided I would ask till tomorrow or I would DM him on Instagram if I couldn't fall asleep.

AN: This is my shortest chapter ever. I've been writing this for a week and I really didn't know where it was going so I abruptly ended it but I will upload another chapter by Wednesday, it should be an interesting one.
Happy New Years to everyone who sees this.
Hope 2017 brings you great joy and happiness.

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