Forgive Me...

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warning: so many trigger warnings, if you don't like suicide, or death, then this isn't for you.

third person pov:

         'ugh! I fuckin' hate Dark so much!' Anti thought with all the hate he had for the older demon he had to share a house with. 'He always leaves his shit all over the floor, so I have to clean it all up! I hate how he makes me do all the laundry, the dishes and EVERYTHING ELSE!'Anti screamed in his head. He leaned his back against the wall behind him and slowly slid down it and onto the floor. As his eyes bubbled with tears, he thought of how much he loves Dark, but he knew he'd never love him back the way he wants him to. He let his salty tears fall down his pale ash gray cheeks and fall down onto the floor between his legs, making  faint little slap sound as it hit. Soon, it made a small puddle of sadness, hate, and love. He knew Dark would never love him because he says Anti is annoying, dumb, and other names, but Dark doesn't know how much Anti's breaking, and shattering bit by bit inside. So that's where the hate and anger is coming from, and Dark just thinks he's going through a fucking phase. 

       Anti got up off the floor and walked up stairs still crying. As he turned down the hall, he soon was in front of the bathroom door. He sighed then slowly opened it, the room was a pale yellow, barely visible though, because it looked like a plain creamy white color. 'If Dark doesn't care about me, then he won't care if I just get it over with. Who needs all this bullshit, who needs this living hell we call life anyways?!' Anti lightly sobbed as he walked over to the cabinet and opened it. 'Why does he have ta be so fuckin' negative towards me?! All I show him is love and compassion, but he pushes me away!'

Anti was getting so lost in his thoughts, he didn't hear the door open and shut, or the sound of footsteps slowly making their way up the stairs. Or the soft shout of his name lightly echoing off the hall's walls. All he could hear, were the sound of gently shifting pills, and the sound the knife made as he pulled it out of the spot he's hidden it in. All he could hear was the pill bottle opening, and He could see was the knife glinting in the light like flint. All he could see was how the knife was gliding over his skin, his blood, dark red, almost black, leaking down his arm and dripping on the porcelain counter. Then, a sharp gasp. footsteps, getting closer. The bathroom air filled with the sharp copper tang of blood. 

          "Anti?! What are you doing?! Stop it!" Screeched Dark as he saw Anti glide the knife across his arm once more. Anti looked up abruptly, and dropped the knife. As it made contact with the tile floor, it made a loud clang that echoed through the house, like the sorrow in his heart. 

          "Why do you care what I do?! You never cared about me, and now you do?! What? You don't want your little cleaning slave to die?! Is that it?!" spat Anti as he glared at Dark. "You never cared to even get it through your thick skull and open your eyes to see that all I've been trying to do the whole fuckin' goddamn time I've lived with you, is get you to notice me and see that I.FUCKING.LOVE.YOU.DARK. And you didn't care when I said I wanted to die, all you did was scoff and mutter something and walk away. Leaving me all alone and heart broken that you didn't even try to talk me out of it. So here I am now, Dark! Thanks for everything  ASSHOLE!" screamed Anti.

           Anti was panting and tears flowed down his face as he looked at Dark who was taken aback. Anti's canine teeth were now sharp like a knife and his eyes were like green and blue fire as he glared at him. 

         "Nothing? Heh figures." Anti muttered and smiled maliciously. 

         "Anti I-" Dark was cut off suddenly when he felt something sharp in his side. He took in a shuddering breath and looked down, and there, was a bloody knife stuck deep into his side all the way in until the handle touched his skin. He coughed multiple times while blood leaked down his chin. 

          "A-anti, I-i was tryin-g to s-say, I-i love you t-too..." murmured Dark as he tiredly looked at Anti. Slowly, as if the world was in slow motion, he was falling backwards and his eyes rolled into the back of his head and closed. When Dark hit the floor, his breathing became shallow and then finally, it slowed to his last breath, but he used it for saying one last thing before his vision went pitch black.

          "I'm s-sorry I didn't l-love you sooner, Anti..." then, he let out a last, shuddering breath and went still.

          Anti's eyes cooled their blazing fire and his teeth went almost dull again. He let go of the knife that he was holding with a dark green smoke. He slowly walked over to Dark's body and knelt down beside him. 

        "Dark? If you c-can hear me, I-i'm sor-ry! I-i didn't mean to-" Anti whimpered as he felt a light pressure press his shoulder. He turned around and saw a black shadow standing over him with red eyes letting off a deep glow. He heard it whisper something but he couldn't make out what it was saying. Then, it spoke louder:

          "Anti, why? Why would you do this? Why, why, why, why......" the voice slowly faded but it echoed in his head, it felt like he was bleeding inside and out. It felt like his heart was being torn out of his chest. He cried and sobbed as the pain grew, but felt like it was fading and wouldn't go away. He gripped his chest because now the pain in his heart felt like it was ripping it in half, he sobbed harder and felt something hot and sticky on his cheeks. He reached up and touched the hot substance and gasped when he realized he was crying blood. He looked down and saw the knife, he picked it up and looked at his reflection in the cold metal stained in blood.

        "Dark, I'm so sorry, please, forgive me." Anti whispered as he plunged the knife deep into his heart. He screamed in pain as blood oozed out of his chest, but the tearing pain in his heart, was finally gone. Anti fell backwards onto the floor next to Dark, and slowly closed his eyes while murmuring:

      "Forgive me..."

Oh my god, when I was writing this, I was like: "Jesus! This is so freaking depressing! Why would I write this?!?!" but, well, at least I've gotten a chapter done! So, thank you for reading, and ask me if you have any suggestions for this book, because, most of what I'm going to be writing is going to be based off of suggestions!

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