Darkiplier X Male reader (Read the beginning note tho.)

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READ THIS. TRUST ME, YOU'LL UNDERSTAND THINGS AND NOT HAVE TO BITCH AT ME. I LOVE YOU GUYS BTW: Hey guys! Ahem, let's get down with the do, yes? Okay, so, I just got the greatest fucking idea ever, where, you, the reader, are a male,(Anti), and you're dating Dark. Y'kno, like a x reader thing...but, you're not a girl...And you're Anti...Anyways, um, yea, so I'm going to make you read in the perspective of Anti, but a little differently. It's gonna be in a different writing style too, kind of like this: 'Dark leaned in a placed a gentle kiss on your cheek, making you blush and smile.' So, kinda  like that. And if you've ever read a x reader, then this kind of writing style won't be too foreign to you. This is probably going to go on for a few chapters, but, kinda spread out. This first one is what you might call a 'beta' or a tester, but any who, I hope you guys enjoy!

     The warm smell of fresh eggs, bacon and black coffee lulled you out of your sleep. You slowly sat up and stretched, hearing the satisfying pop of your back as you pushed you stomach out, creating an arch. While you stretched, you let out a grunt as you pulled both of your arms over your head. After stretching and yawning, you threw your legs over the edge of the bed and slowly stood up. Walking to the bathroom, you shivered at the cold and hard wood floors and tile of the bathroom as your bare feet pressed against it. You looked at yourself in the mirror and scratched your bedhead hair then pulled open the cabinet that hung off the wall next to the mirror and pulled out your tooth brush and the toothpaste. As you brushed your teeth, you relieved your aching bladder and leaned your head back slightly in relief. After you finished, you flushed, washed your hands, put your toothbrush and toothpaste back in the cabinet then walked out of the room you shared with your boyfriend; Dark. 

     The carpeted floor of the hallway felt soft against your cold feet as you walked towards the stairs. Slowly, you made your way down the stairs and smiled slightly as the delicious smell of food began to get stronger. The faint sound of sizzling eggs and brewing coffee lured you into the kitchen where you found Dark pulling an egg off of the frying pan and putting it on a plate, then reaching over to his right to grab another egg and crack it into the pan. You watched quietly as Dark's back slightly flexed when he moved and you slowly went from leaning on the door frame to hugging him from behind. 

     "Good morning." Your voice was a little raspy and your Irish accent was a thicker than it usually was. It glitched a little and you cleared your throat because you thought it was just cracking, though, you subconsciously knew it was a glitch which happens every now and then.

     "Good morning to you too, Anti. Would you like some coffee?" You felt Dark's voice vibrate in his back where your cheek rested and you hummed a little at the sound of the deep rumble that you heard. You nodded and slowly removed your arms from around Dark's waist and walked over to the 'heaven in a cup maker', as you liked to call it. The bubbling sounds the Heaven Maker made were satisfying and calming as you grabbed your favorite mug and placed it under the spout of the machine and pressed the button that made one of the only that made some mornings and hangovers bearable, besides Dark, of course. 

     The bubbling slowed a little as steaming black coffee began to pour out of the spout and into your dark blue mug. When the coffee stopped pouring, you picked up your cup and set it on the counter after blowing on it to cool it down a little then sat down at one of the stools on the other side of the counter. You watched as Dark make breakfast and began to carefully sip at your drink, careful not to burn yourself...again...

     "Hey, Anti, you can grab your plate now if you want, I just need to finish my egg and then I can eat. It's right there." Dark pointed with the spatula he had been making eggs with at the plate to his left, closest to you and turned back to the pan. 

     "Okay, thanks Dark, I love you." Your voice seemed to be less raspy like it was a little while ago and you reached over and grabbed your plate. After grabbing it, you walked over to the dining room and set your plate and hot coffee down. You began to eat and quietly moaned at the delicious taste of eggs and rolled your eyes back a little. A low chuckle came from in front of you and then the quiet clatter of Dark's plate being placed onto the table made you open your eyes and look at your boyfriend who was smiling at you fondly. 

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