Double dicking it. Ending One.

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(Sorry that my writing is shit, but I hope you enjoy anyways!) Hey guys! Okay, so, when I was with my sister and our friend, my sister yelled 'DOG PILE!' and we both got on top of our friend and humped her like dogs, and I had an AMAZING idea about Dark, Mark, Anti and Jack having a foursome. There's going to be two ending on this one cuz' I needed something long to do. I'm thinking of adding some tentacles in this one, but, I'll decide that when I make the second ending. I really hope you guys enjoy and I hope your ovaries don't explode and your balls don't fall off, so tape them ovaries down and hold your balls, cuz' it's gonna get so fucking hot in here, your devices' screen is gonna fog up as well as your fucking windows! I DON'T FUCKING CARE IF THAT DIDN'T MAKE SENSE, CUZ' I'M EXCITED. ARE YOU? OKAY, IGNORE ME NOW. So let's begin shall we? >:3

No one's Pov:

Anti and Jack hurriedly pulled on their shoes and tried to nicely tie their bow ties quickly as they rushed so they wouldn't be late for the date they had with Dark and Mark. Jack looked at Anti and smiled at how his bow was crooked and slightly wrinkled at the edge. He reached over and straitened it and smoothed the edge as well, then grabbed the keys that sat on the small table they had near the door. Anti thanked Jack as they walked to the car. As they walked, Anti slapped Jack's butt and smirked when he heard him yelp.

"What te' fook! Why'd ye' slap me fookin' arse for?"Jack sharply turned his head to look at Anti with a blush on his face as well as a small frown.

"Oh come on! You seem te' love it when Mark does it!" With a teasing tone as he spoke, Anti smirked and crossed his arms and chuckled when Jack's face flushed a dark red color. Jack huffed and turned away and walked a little faster. When they arrived to the car, Jack opened the car door and turned on the ignition then began to back up out of the driveway and onto the street. The car ride to the restaurant was mostly quiet except for a few words to each other and short conversations about the date.

When they finally arrived at the restaurant, they were a little surprised to see a very nice and expensive looking building with beautiful decor on the inside of it. Both men looked at each other and nodded before they got out of the car. When they walked inside of the restaurant, they said the name of the party that they were with and were led to a large booth that holds up to four people. They thanked the hostess and sat down on one side of the table so their lovers could sit in front of them.

Jack gazed around the room and marveled at how much more beautiful the place was being close to it and surrounded by it, then giggled when he saw two girls with dark brown hair and eyes who looked to be sisters have a drawing contest on some paper they brought with them and giggled a little more when he saw what they drew. One of them was a little Septiceye Sam and the other was a Tiny Box Tim.

"What are ye' laughin' at?"

"Hm? Oh, I was just looking around and saw two sisters having a drawing contest."

"What did they draw?"

"The older-looking one with the long hair and glasses drew Tiny Box Tim and the younger one with shorter hair and the cute bunny shirt drew Septiceye Sam." Jack smiled even wider when he saw Anti smile too. (:L...Yea, I added myself in here...Along with my sister...Keep reading, please... I'm the oldest one btw...Okay I'm done now.)


"Daww! That's so cyoot!" Anti was about to say something when a goofy-sounding voice cut him off. He looked up and glared, but let his expression drop to one of awe as well as Jack's, when he looked up too, to see who had cut him off, only to see Mark and Dark standing at the table with grins on their faces.

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