Party Part One

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Hello! Hello! Tht chapter was suggested by @Bannanabread38 and I thank you so much for giving me a good suggestion for this chapter! 

So, without further or do, let's begin, shall we? 

      Dark's pov: 

                 "I fucking hate how Anti Pewds dragged me into coming to this lame-ass party at his friend's house! 'oh, it'll be fun!' he said, 'oh, don't worry, your little guy crush Antis' gonna be there!' he likes to fucking tease me about that! This is why I hate going places with him, he just ends up leaving me to wander around a house of fucking drunk-ass dip shits who don't have a fucking care in the world! Getting drunk, making out in the corners of rooms, getting high, and fucking upstairs in rooms where they think people can't hear them and don't know what's happening! Jesus! This is so stu-" while I was complaining to myself about this stupid party, I saw Anti standing at the far side of the room looking at me, he looked away though, when he realized I had seen him and blushed. I just blushed and was trying to decide if I should go over to him or not. 'Just go over there tell him you like him and kiss him for god's sake!!' my mind was screaming at me to tell him, to man up and go over there and kiss him already. I realized that my legs were already taking me over to where he stood looking away from me. 

       As I was walking over to him, I was building up the confidence to talk to him instead of just saying 'Hi' or, shoving him into a locker. I guess technically I was his bully, but I loved him, it's this weird kind of love thing where you love someone, but you act like you hate them so they don't know that you love or like them. (A/N that's kind of what I do...Don't ask... :P) Anti flinched when he felt me put my hand on his shoulder, I retracted my hand quickly when he looked up at me and straight into my eyes. Fear. The only thing I could see flooding his eyes as he looked at me. I felt bad, so I grabbed his hand and made him follow me through the crowd of drunk-ass idiots, who were flirting like nerds on their first beer. Anti struggled slightly in my grip on his wrist, but I wouldn't let go, I needed to let him know I loved him, craved for him, wanted him, no, needed him every second of the day. Countless nights spent jerking off silently to the thought of his soft lips against mine, pressing himself against me, whining and moaning because of me, and not that dick-head Micheal who is such a cock-sucking fuck-boy.  

      The  thought of him touching Anti made me grip his wrist tighter and made me clench my jaw tight, Anti gasped when he felt the grip I had on his wrist grow tighter. He slightly struggled in my grip and quietly whined. 

       "D-dark...? Where a-are ye' taking me?" he cautiously asked me, probably not to make me mad so I would hurt him. But, why would I do that now? Well, why did I even start it in the first place? I've been hurting him, the one I love...I've caused him so much pain and sadness...Well, fuck that! I'm going to make him feel loved, and make it up to him, showing that I'm sorry! I didn't respond as I pushed through more groups of drunk idgets, and pushed the front door open. I looked back at Anti, and saw a the light breeze gently tousling his dark green hair, that looks as soft a pure cotton. I blushed as looked away, continuing to walk around the house, then stopped in front of a small box. I told Anti to stay where he was then picked up the box and slowly opened it. Inside, was a black key, it looked like it was made of obsidian, it slightly glowed red and let off a little black smoke that floated in the air. The black smoke stayed where it had floated up and began to slowly form the faint outline of a door. 

    "You can't tell anyone about this." I murmured and turned to look at Anti right in the eyes. I stared into his eyes for what seemed like hours, but looked away and turned back to the door. I lifted up the key and put it in the lock. I let go of it, and it started to slowly turn. When the key had finally topped turning, there was a click sound that came from the lock on the door and it slowly opened to reveal a dimly lit room with a bed in the middle of it. On the dressers there were pictures of himself and his friends, but no sign of any siblings or parents that were in any of the photos framed in the polished dark oak frames which reflected the light of the fireplace at the back of the room. 

   Anti's pov: 

     I stared at the room before me and looked around it in awe. This is Dark's room? It's, beautiful...I was snapped out of my awe-stricken trance when I heard Dark's rumbling voice speaking to me.

    "Uh, w-what? S-sorry, I wasn't listening..." I shrunk away from him, as he looked back at me, I was expecting him to hit me but, instead he KISSED me. My eyes widened as Dark held the back of my head with his hand while the other hand held my lower back and pressed me up against him. I relaxed and began to kiss back. I closed my eyes and tangled my hands in his hair as he deepened the kiss by putting his tongue in my mouth, as he explored it I moaned. Although it was muffled, it was still loud. The loud moaning dragged deep growls from Dark's throat as he pinned me against his wall. I hadn't realized that the door had closed and the room became bigger. It had a door that looked different from the one we came in to get to his room and it looked a little more modern day-ish. I gasped and arched my back as Dark sank his sharp canines into the soft pale gray flesh on my shoulder and sucked harshly at the now reddening skin.

     "Anti, you don't know how long I've waited to finally hold you, to kiss you, to have you love me. And, I'm so-" I cut Dark off by gently putting a finger onto his lips.

    "Then, why do ye' say ye' hate me, why do ye' say I'm annoying, w-why do ye' shove me into lockers and harm me?" I softly asked as tears slightly bubbled in my eyes threatening to leak down. He looked away and sighed. 

     "Because I love you, a-and I didn't want you to know." He muttered. "So, I acted like I hated you, and then I picked on you. I just, was scared, you'd reject me." Tears brimmed his eyes as he looked at me and hugged me tightly. "I love you, please, forgive me and love me back." He whispered into my shoulder. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you so badly" 

     I was taken aback at his soft tone, ever since I've met him, I've only gotten harsh tones and words spat into my face, calling me names and saying hurtful things to me. All I've ever wanted was to have him love me too. Since he's told me he hated me, I was starting to make the love I had for him fade, but I couldn't forget watching him laughing with his friends during lunch from across the room, and seeing how happy he is. And now, I might get to see that every day. 

    "Of course I'll forgive ye'. Dark, I've always loved ye'. Everyone was trying to get me ta' stop lovin' ya, but, I just couldn't. I can't stop lovin' ya. Yer like a drug I can't get enough of." I murmured while looking up into his eyes. I gently ran  thumb over his tear streaked cheek and kissed him lovingly. "I love ye'." he sniffed and kissed back, holding the back of my head and pressing himself against me. 

    We pulled apart for air and he said something I never thought he would ever say, even after he confessed his love for me, "Can I fuck you?" that simple phrase sent my heart in a flurry and I didn't hesitate to answer back, even through the shock of what he had said. 

    "Yes." when I answered, he pressed me against the wall and start to nibble at my collar bone and kiss my throat as I swallowed the thick lump that made me feel as though it was stopping my breathing, slowly making my near heavy breaths, coming in rapidly and almost shallow, come to a complete stop. I wanted more. I needed more of him.  

     Tbc bitches! 

    That's right, I threw a fuckin' cliff hanger at you wonderful people out there! I was thinking that I should just post a chapter, so here it is! I'm going to make a part two, and, because I love you all, I'm going to try and write another chapter while party part two is being written too, so you'll get two chapters. one right after the other! Boom, Boom! Kk, love you all! I'll see you, in the next chapter! Thank you! 

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