Ch-1. My Daily Routine

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CAROLINE: Hey everyone! Yeah, so in a moment you'll know everything about me including things about my sucky life. But hey I've got free cookies so?...

Before continuing, let me tell you the 3 rules:  



GREAT! Now we're all good to go!  Happy reading!


Ch-1: My Daily Routine

It was another typical morning at home. I'd got up late once again because my mom was screaming at me once again as I was going to be late for school. Dad was mumbling angrily once again because he couldn't find today's newspaper. Granny was shouting once again because mom hadn't made her a cup of tea, and grandpa was complaining once again because our cat had peed on his slippers.

The only quiet and calm living creature in our house was our cat, Snowbell, who was snoring in one corner of the house (once again).

How much I wished I was Snowbell! No scoldings from parents, not feeling sad if you've failed in your exams and not feeling guilty for lying about it to your parents. Or for not getting up early for school.....and.....finishing your homework at the last minute.

How unlucky was I?!

"Now hurry and come downstairs for breakfast!" Mom yelled frustrated.

"I have to finish my homework first!" I yelled back.

"What did you say? Homework? Oh Caroline, what should I do with you. You're so......" before mom could complete her sentence, Granny called her, "Jane dear, could you please get tea for me!"

Mom sighed. "Coming." saying this, she rushed out of the room.

I quickly sat on my study table and started to solve my math sums, but I was disturbed by my father less than half a sum later.

"Caroline, have you seen today's newspaper by any chance?" He asked. I shook my head and went back  concentrating fully on my sums. I had just completed the first sum when grandpa walked in.

"Can you tell your ill-mannered cat to stop peeing on my things! I told ya it was a bad idea to get that cat home, but ya'll don't listen to the old man!" he yelled, scowling at me. Before I could answer him, I noticed that he was holding today's newspaper in his hand. He was probably using it to clean his slippers.

Then I answered, "First off all, Snowbell's not only my cat. Secondly, dad brought her home, not me! Thirdly, if you really have that much of a problem, then you should keep your room door closed perhaps!"

Before he could even open his mouth to say anything, I said slyly,"By the way, dad's going to be mad at you because you used today's newspaper to clean your pee filled slippers."

"Whatever." He muttered and walked out.

Just as I was getting back to solving my sums, mom's voice thundered, "Caroline! You're going to get late! Come down for breakfast this instant!"

I sighed. It was impossible to study in this kind of ambience. I shut my books and put them in my backpack and went down for breakfast.

I'd only just buttered my toast, when my mom screamed again, "Caroline! It's 8:45! you're late! Take the toast in your hand and run to school!"

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