Ch-14. Danger

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We had a blast at the mall. We kept clicking selfies from my camera. Suzie and I also did some window shopping while Jake just got bored. In the middle of all this, Suzie suddenly thought aloud, "where is Sam?"

"Don't worry. Sam was with us when we were trying to find you. He'll be somewhere outside the mall." Jake said reassuringly.

"No! What if he's lost? He might be so scared." Suzie said worriedly.

Before anyone could say anything else, I quickly said, "I can go look for him outside."

Suzie's eyes lit up and she gave me a toothy grin. Her joyous face made me smile. She was so adorable!

I looked at Jake. "We'll be out in five," he said taking Suzie's hand. I nodded my head. Then Jake and Suzie turned their backs towards me and walked away, giggling and laughing.

They looked so cute together.

I turned my own back towards them and headed towards the main entrance. I sighed. They did not know the real reason why I wanted to go out, to be a little away from them. I had some unfinished business to do. I had to make an important phone call.

I stood in front of the mall and took out the phone from my backpack. As I pressed Harold's contact, I looked around to see if anyone who knew me was present. Thankfully, nobody was.

Suddenly, Harold answered. "So, you finally decided to call me......caroline," he spoke mockingly.

I took a deep breath. Even though I knew he wasn't going to harm me, his voice always gives me the chills.

"H-hello." I stammered.

I had to act brave and confident.

"It doesn't seem you've taken the Bernards' kids to a more isolated place yet. According to your tracker, you're in Brookhaven neighbourhood," he said.

I cleared my throat and spoke confidently, "yeah, about that, Harold. You can forget I ever agreed to your plan."

No response.

"Jake has really helped me. So why should I help you kill him? And Suzie is the most adorable seven-year-old I've ever known. So.....yeah, I won't be helping you. You are a beast, Harold. You are selfish and....."

"Aren't you talking about yourself." Harold cut me in between.

I bit my lip. "I was like that once upon a time. I changed. But you will never!" I shouted.

There was silence for a few seconds, then Harold spoke, "love can be a very nasty thing. Are you sure you choose Jake? Are you ready to sacrifice your life.....for Jake?" his voice was sly. I was sure he was smirking.

I didn't reply.

"Very well then. We'll come for you.....princess," he said snickering.

"We'll see about that," I said through gritted teeth and cut the call.

That's when I heard a bark. I saw Sam running towards me. He leapt at me and licked me all over my face. I was almost going to fall!

"Caroline!" I heard Jake call and turned around to see him coming out of the mall with Suzie sitting on his shoulders.

I quickly tried to slip my phone into my pocket, but I suddenly realized that I was still wearing that dress and it did not have a pocket. So I hastily hid it behind my back.

Suzie's eyes lit up as she saw Sam. She exclaimed with joy.

Jake put her down and she ran to Sam.

"Come," Jake said to me, walking past me, towards Suzie and Sam.

I nodded my head. Then I looked at the phone. I couldn't keep this with myself. Or Harold and Garret will find all of us with the tracker.

"Are you coming, princess?" I heard Jake call. He, Suzie and Sam were quite far from me now.

I gave one last glance at the phone, then threw it down. Then I stamped on it. It didn't break the way it usually did in movies, so I just kicked it aside, then ran to catch up with Jake, Suzie and Sam.


"You know what, I've actually started liking this neighbourhood," I said sitting on a bench in the neighbourhood park.

"I'm not sure about that. I have good memories as well as bad out here."  Jake said sitting at the other end of the bench.

Suzie was playing on the swings with another girl and Sam was eating all the flowers beside the bushes. There were a few kids and adults in the park. Much to my relief, nobody seemed to recognize me.

"Well, if you don't like it here, we can always move out of Brookhaven," I said.

Jake shook his head. "No. I don't want to forget what happened out here. I want to avenge my parents' death. One day, I surely will." he had fixed his stare ahead with pain and anger in his eyes.

"But I can help you. We both can go to the police. You can always be sent to an orpha....or you could always come and stay with us! Mom and dad would love to have you. Even Sam can stay. I'll tell my dad to build a doghouse for him in our backyard." I said.

Jake shook his head. "No. Suzie and I are better off on the street."

"Hey, Harold and Garret won't harm us if that's what you're thinking," I said with a snort.

"It's not about that. It's just that Suzie and I have got used to living on the road. We find it better. This is our life now, Caroline."

"Fine. I'm going to the police station today and telling them about you, so you could be safe and sound....somewhere."

"You're not doing that!" Jake cried which made me jump. Now he was looking right at me. "You're not going to tell anyone. Promise me, Caroline." he sounded desperate.

I stared at him with shock. Why couldn't he understand?! He was in danger out here. Suzie was in danger. I was also in danger. And the fault was partly mine because I'd made Harold and Garret angry by backing out of their plan.

I had to tell him what had happened. Somebody had to! So I opened my mouth to tell him, but instead, I heard myself saying, "I promise."

Jake gave me a weak smile before he went off to check on Suzie.

Then I sat alone, completely still.

What had I done!?

I had to tell him as soon as possible. Or we would all die!!


Caroline: Okay, so all the people who thought I was actually that crazy to help Harold and Garret kill Jake and Suzie, you've got to be kidding me! I mean, seriously!? Come on, I'm not that insensitive. Well okay, I might be capable of doing it, but at least not to Jake and Suzie!
Anyway, at least one tension has left you, but don't worry, the author has many more 'nail-biting' moments ahead which will keep you on the edge.

Jake: Yup. So till then, Happy reading folks! Next chapter will come out soon!

Suzie: don't forget to VCF!! Bye.

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