Ch-2 The Fight

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Ch-2: The Fight

"Do you remember the boy whom you always played with, when you were little?" My mom asked.

I was sitting in my room writing in my diary.

"Which one?" I asked without looking up.

"Mr Mack's grandson, Josh." She replied.

"Oh yeah. I met him a few months back when I was on my way to school. And before that, I saw him at the age of four." I said.

"Well, he died yesterday. Cancer. " mom said, her voice cracking. I peeked at my mom from my diary. Tears were rolling down her cheeks.

I concentrated back on my diary and shrugged "So? As if I care." I replied.

"Caroline! How can you say that!? How can you act so normal when a person you knew just died!?" Mom cried and took out her handkerchief. She blew her nose unattractively.

I shut my diary with irritation and just said, "Mom, Josh and I weren't even friends anymore. On top of that, it's good that he's dead. He was really ugly, anyway." I said raising my voice. Mom stared at me with shock.

"It's such a nice, warm afternoon. Cheer up!" I said again, pointing at the window. She just stood there, dumbstruck.

After a moment of silence, mom said, "We need to visit Josh's family and tell them how sorry we are. " she wiped her tears and sniffed a bit.

"Oh please. I'm too busy. " I replied, pulling a face.

"Caroline. We're going, and that's final. " mom finally said and went out of my room. I hissed angrily. She's no one to decide for me. Only I decide for myself and I decide not to go!


I did end up going to Josh's house in the evening, and I was furious!
After we came back home, I locked myself in my room and didn't come out until dinner time.

During dinner, snowbell had taken her usual place under the table, and again, I'd given her all my vegetables.
After we were almost done with our dinner, dad spoke, "Caroline, the way you behaved in Josh's house wasn't accepted."

"How did I behave, dad?" I asked him cheekily.

  "Oh, quit your acting, Caroline. While we were comforting Josh's parents, you just stood there as if you were least bothered. " mom snapped.

"Well, I was," I said, smiling, trying my parents' patience.

  "Caroline, stop acting like that. You will regret it later. " dad said, calmly.

"Oh no, I won't. " I replied. I could see that my parents were getting angry. So I decided to irritate them a little more.

"Caroline, we're just trying to say that if you don't care about other people, then even they won't care about you. And you'll be left all alone. " mom explained calmly. I just shrugged. "As if you guys care for me. " I said, taking a bite of my taco. There was silence for a few minutes as I waited for their answer.

"Oh, that reminds me. Let's go for a family picnic tomorrow. I've been planning this all week." My dad suddenly said excitedly, changing the topic.

"That's great!" Mom exclaimed, clapping her hands. "I'll make grilled cheese sandwiches, and we can carry grape juice and...."

"I'm not going", I said flatly. The whole table stared at me.

"Why not?" Mom asked, her anger rising.

"I'm hanging out with my best friends," I replied, concentrating on my taco.
Mom was pursing her lips and was going to say something, but dad said calmly, "So are friends more important than family?"

" You call yourself my family?" I asked him raising my voice. "You and mom keep shouting at me and scold me for the littlest things. Granny always does something or the other wrong on purpose, just to upset me. And I have such a selfish grandpa  who can't even share his raspberry chocolates with his own granddaughter!"

Grandpa opened his mouth to say something to defend himself, but mom screamed before he could say anything. "Caroline! How dare you!"

I just scowled at her.

"Caroline, please change your attitude! We all love you and care for you....."

"Care for me? You call this caring? You guys never cared for me! All of you!" I screamed.

"Then we wouldn't have let you have food or receive a good education," Granny said softly, but I just ignored her.

Mom was glaring at me.

"What!?" I shouted irately and threw my half-eaten taco. I meant to throw it on my plate, but it landed in the middle of the table, and the filling was on my mom's lap. Before mom could react, I marched towards my grandparents' bedroom and came back with the maroon coloured box.

"Isn't this your life, grandpa?" I asked him, an evil smirk spreading across my face. Grandpa just sat there, looking at the box.

"Well then, see your life break into pieces!" I shouted, lifting up the box. Grandpa's eyes grew wide and he cried, "No!", but I'd already done it. I threw the box on the floor. Since the box wasn't closed properly, all the raspberry chocolates fell out on the floor, breaking into pieces. Snowbell sprang into action. She quickly started eating the raspberry chocolates.

Granny gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. Grandpa just sat there, astonished and dumbstruck.
I calmly sat on my chair again.

That's when my dad thundered for the first time, "CAROLINE!!"

"You guys are not my real family. You're my foster family. My real family wouldn't have been so cruel!" Saying this, I got up, pushing my chair back violently. The chair fell down with a crash!

"I hate you," I said through gritted teeth and fled upstairs, to my room. Snowbell followed me as usual.

I locked my room door and sat on the floor, leaning against my door. Snowbell sat next to me and purred softly. I stroked him. "Only you understand me, snowbell. " I said.

I was through with my family now. I couldn't handle them anymore. I was filled with anger and hatred for my parents especially. Just who did they think they were!?  I was so foolish to obey them and let them control me when I was eight years old.

If somebody died, I didn't feel sorry for them. My parents couldn't make me feel sorry! If I didn't want to go for a picnic with my family, they couldn't force me!

I looked around my room, flushing with anger. And then I saw my backpack lying on my study table.

An idea popped into my mind. This Wasn't the first time I'd come up with this idea. I had tried this before.......

CAROLINE: Yeah, well. This is where my nightmare actually begins. Be sure to read further....and dont forget to VOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW! TOODLES!

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