Ch-4 The boy, the girl and the dog

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Ch-4:  The Boy, The Girl And The Dog

The sunlight entered the stables. I opened my eyes and sat up straight. I yawned and stretched, then came out of the stables.

The place did not look creepy anymore.

It was time to go!

I quickly munched on an energy bar, then took my backpack and got to my feet.

I looked at my watch. It was eight. I wondered what my parents would be doing right now. My father would've just gotten up and mom would be going to my room to wake me up. Imagine her surprise when she finds my room empty! Maybe she has already found out that I am missing. She might be going crazy, looking for me everywhere.

I snickered. Well, serves her right!

I began walking. There were only meadows and fields ahead.

After a few minutes, I saw a huge building in a distance. My eyes widened. FINALLY! I'd reached the city!

I raced towards the building, my short hair bouncing.

Suddenly, I heard a car honk. I looked left and saw a car speeding towards me. Then I looked at the ground. I was on the road!

"WOAH!" I screamed as I turned around to run back. The car missed me by only a few inches!

I held my knees, breathless because of the sudden shock.

I carefully crossed the road, then looked ahead in awe. I was standing in the heart of the city! There were buildings, houses, many shops and malls everywhere! I looked around.

This place was awesome!

Who wouldn't feel cheerful after being in an isolated place for one whole night!?

I walked ahead. There was a fountain and some benches ahead. Some elderly people fed bread crumbs to pigeons, while small children rode tricycles around the fountain.

Suddenly, someone announced in a mic, "Are you all ready!!" A man was standing on the fountain stairs with a guitar in his hand.

I'd totally forgotten that every day, some or the other street band performed in the city centre. But I didn't know that they performed at eight thirty in the morning too.

Everybody screamed and cheered. People gathered around the fountain.

Soon, the band started playing and punk music blared from the speakers.

I hooted with everyone else.

After they finished their first song, the singer announced, "Now some soothing and soft music for the elders." saying this, he started singing a slow song. Many old people gathered around.

An old man, probably seventy years old, stood next to me. When he saw me looking at him, he smiled at me. I just stared back.

It was getting a little boring now, so I decided to go and look at the shops. I turned around to leave when the song got over.

Suddenly, many curious whispers and murmurs arose from the crowd. I turned around to see what was happening. A cop was making his way through the crowd, towards the steps of the fountain.

He talked to the singer, then took the mic from him and held it close to his mouth.

"I'm sorry for disturbing everyone, but there's a girl, thirteen years old, missing from LeCallice street." He showed everyone a sheet of paper he was carrying.

My eyes grew wide.

Clearly printed on the paper was my picture!

I stood there with horror. My mom had reported my disappearance to the police!? I couldn't believe it!

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