Ch-3 Run Away

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Ch-3: Run Away

I'd run away from home before. And this idea came to my mind yet again, tonight.

The first time, when I ran away at the age of ten, my mom came looking for me and found me, when I was barely a few miles away from home. The second time, at the age of eleven, when I ran away, my stomach started rumbling when I was barely ten metres away. So I came back home, begging for food. But this time, I was not going to do that. I would go fully prepared. Yes, I was going to do it. I was going to run away from home, again!

I mentally started planning my escape from the house.

As I set my alarm clock for a quarter to twelve, I could hear muffled voices outside my room door. Then I heard my dad, "Caroline?" He said softly, knocking on my door. I did not answer. "Caroline." Said he again, trying to open my door, but I'd locked it.

I just ignored him.

After some time, the knocking stopped and the voices started fading away. I closed my eyes, and that was it. I was asleep.


After a few hours, my alarm went off. I woke up and hastily switched off my alarm before it could wake my parents.

It was time.

I dressed in black, slipped on my sneakers and hurriedly ran my fingers through my short brown hair.

I put my comb, my toothbrush and my camera in my backpack. I opened my closet and searched for my comfortable tracks and an extra pair of tee shirt. I found a comfy tee shirt, but I couldn't find my tracks. "Grandma must've put it in the laundry," I mumbled angrily. So, I grabbed a skirt and dumped it inside my bag pack.

Next, I went towards my room door, walking past the snoring Snowbell. I quietly unlocked my door and tiptoed out of my room.

The corridor was dark and chilly. I crept down the stairs.

I entered the kitchen, opened the fridge and took out a few energy bars and an apple. Then, coming out of the kitchen, I gently opened my parents' room door a little bit. I peeped inside. No movement. So, I opened the door a little wider and walked inside, on my tippy toes.
I went up to my dad's bedside table. He was snoring softly, mumbling something under his breath, after each snore.

I opened the first drawer and looked inside. My dad's wallet was lying in there. I carefully took out a crisp hundred dollar note and put the wallet back in the drawer. I walked back towards the door and closed it ever so lightly as I walked out of their room.

Next, I went to the storeroom and found a thick, firm and long rope. Finally, I crept back upstairs and entered my room.

I dumped the apple and the energy bars in my bag. I wore a black leather jacket and zipped it up to my chin. I stuffed the dollar bill into my jacket pocket.

I was ready to go now. READY TO RUN AWAY!

I opened my window. The sycamore tree leaned towards my window. I took one end of the rope and tied it around the thick bark of the tree. The rest of it hung freely, almost touching the ground. I pulled the rope to make sure that it was firm. A cold gusty wind entered my room, brushing past my face. I'd never felt more lively.

The wind woke up snowbell and I heard a soft 'meow'. I turned around and walked up to snowbell. I picked her up and stroked her soft fur.
"This is it snowbell. I'm finally running away...............and no mistakes this time." I told her. She purred softly as if saying goodbye.
"Goodbye to you too. I'll miss you." Saying that I kept snowbell down.

Then I tugged at the rope again. Clutching it tightly with my hands, I climbed the window sill, then leapt in the air. My feet trapped the rope between them and I smoothly slid down, landing on the ground, feet first.

I stood there and stared into the dark, peaceful night. I took a deep breath. 'This is it. I'm going to be free now.' I thought.

I could hear snowbell meowing.

"Missing me already, snowbell?" I chuckled at my own joke.

Boy! Was I excited!?

I finally started my journey.

When I'd run away the other two times, I always took a left turn from my house which led deeper into the neighbourhood. But this time, I took a right turn, which led outside the neighbourhood. I had no destination in particular, so it was time to explore what lay beyond my neighbourhood!

I started walking, getting excited by each step forward. My heart was pounding with both anxiety and excitement.

Soon, the houses started to disappear and a path lined with trees came into view. I followed the path, curious to know what might come next.

Wherever I reached next disappointed me a little. After the path finished, I stared ahead. There were only and only meadows with tall grass and wheat growing. Besides the bare tree standing in the centre of one of the meadows, there was no other tree in sight.

I walked further. There was no sound. The sky was pitch black and foggy. This place didn't seem right to me. I gulped. It seemed as if this place had been isolated for years!

Maybe, I should go back to my neighbourhood. I didn't know that the path would lead me here. So I turned around and stared ahead, horrified. There were two paths! One was leading left and the other one was leading right. Which one had I come from?

I stood there motionless. A cold, uncomfortable wind brushed across my cheeks, making them pale.

I wanted to go back home. Not because I was missing my parents, or feeling homesick. But I really didn't feel safe out here. But then I remembered the anger inside me for my parents. I couldn't go back home! I had to teach my parents a lesson. I had to make them feel guilty.

So I took a deep breath and finally decided to take the path leading right.


I walked slowly, observing the trees lined up the path as if that would tell me if I'm heading in the right direction. The bushes swayed in the wind.

I looked at the sky. The fog almost hid the full moon. Bats were flying low and I could hear owls hooting.

Suddenly, I heard a noise from behind me. I swung around. No one was there. So I continued walking. I could hear voices of twigs cracking and bushes moving behind me. I knew that someone was behind me, but I kept walking.

Suddenly, the bushes next to me started shaking. My body shivered, not sure if it was because of the cold or fright. I started walking faster, but the shaking of bushes kept pace with me. So, I stopped. Then, I turned towards the shaking bush.

'Who's there?!" I demanded, acting brave, but my hands trembled. Still not sure if it was because of the cold weather or fright.

The bush stopped shaking. I took off my backpack from my shoulders to use it as a weapon.

I swallowed and waited.

All of a sudden, two small grey creatures jumped out of the bush, running everywhere.


I sighed with relief and slung my backpack over my shoulders again and started walking further.


It seemed as if I was walking for hours. This path seemed endless. I was tired and exhausted. As I walked further, a few stables came into view. The stables looked old and abandoned, but I didn't care. All I cared about was sleeping. So, I curled up in a corner of the stable inside.

Even though I was wearing my leather jacket, I was shivering.

I closed my eyes and slowly, I drifted off to sleep.

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