Ch-15. Kidnap

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Ch-15: Kidnap

It was noon. Jake, Suzie, Sam and I were walking towards the shops lined up on either side of the road. I had found a few coins left in my skirt pocket from the day we all had performed on the road. So we decided to split up and buy something for ourselves and then meet at a point. Then we would be getting out of this neighbourhood. That was the plan.

I had talked Jake and Suzie into getting out of here. This place was dangerous for the three of us.

I'd been wanting to tell Jake about my secret plan with Harold and Garret, but I never got the chance. So I thought I would finally tell them after we eat food. 

"Alright. Here's where we are going to meet." Jake said finally stopping. Then he and Suzie went in a different direction while I went in a different as we all wanted to eat something different.

I entered some cafe and ordered a cold coffee. The whole place was deserted.

After a few minutes, my coffee was ready. I paid the guy and stepped out, slurping my coffee greedily.

There was not a soul around. Everything was silent.

Man, this neighbourhood really took a nap in the afternoon!

I stopped at the point where Jake had told us to meet. As I looked around, an uncomfortable breeze brushed across my face, making my spine shiver.

It was too silent for my liking.

I breathed heavily. I felt unsafe out here.

"it's okay. Jake and Suzie will come soon. Sam might be somewhere around too." I kept muttering to myself.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me and swung around with panic. In a distant, I could see a figure walking towards me.

"That's got to be Jake," I muttered, calming myself down. But I remember Jake going in the other direction.

As the figure came closer, I realized that the figure was too.....round to be Jake. He had a hat on and his boots made an eerie tapping sound with each step.

I frowned. That just might be some random man. But I did not look away from him. I was curious to see his face.

Soon, the man's face came into view and I almost choked on my coffee. I'd surely seen him before. And he did not look like he was in a good mood.

It was Garret!

I dropped my coffee cup and turned around to get away from him. But, as soon as I did, I saw Harold walking towards me from the front.  I stopped and stared at Harold, then at Garret, wide-eyed.

I was stuck! I stood in horror as the two men came closer.

I took a few steps away from Harold as he looked scarier than Garret.

"Help!" I cried. As if that would help. Nobody was around. I screamed again but in vain.

I turned around and looked at Garret. He had picked up my coffee cup and was doing something. Then he threw it on the ground again.

Then I turned around to see Harold and got the shock of my life. He was standing right in front of me!

He gripped my wrist tightly and said coldly, "you're coming with us, princess."

"Let go of me!" I screamed and tried to bite his hand, but before I could do that, Garret caught hold of my other arm and pulled me a little towards him. Then they dragged me towards a white car parked on the road.

"Help!!" I screamed again as Harold opened the backseat door of the car and ducked my head inside. I had no choice but to sit. Then he slammed the door shut. I tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge! Maybe they'd put a baby lock. I tried to pull the window down, but I wasn't able to that either.

Garret took the wheel, while Harold sat in the passenger seat beside him. The point where Jake and I were supposed to meet was soon left behind.

"You won't get away with this," I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, Caroline. We already have," Harold replied with a smirk.

"Don't think you're too clever Harold. You're an idiot. You've got me, but you'll never be able to catch Jake and Suzie. You've lost them." I said, looking out of the window.

"No, we haven't."

I looked at him confusedly.

Harold turned around to face me.

"Jake will come for you, Caroline. He will come to get you."

I stared at him, dumbfounded and eyes wide with horror. He had a cunning and dangerous smirk on his face. He then turned around again.

I gulped. He was clever, no doubt. But he was also a devil.

I looked out of the window again but only concentrated on my own reflection. I frowned at myself. I was doing this to Jake.

He would come for me. Wouldn't he?


Author: hey guys. Sorry, haven't updated for a while. I'm very excited for the next two chapters. But now Run Away is coming to an end :(
Anyway, don't forget VCF.
I promise you that this time I'll update soon.


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