Chapter 3~ Camryn

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Chapter 3


The car jerks to a stop after it rambles up Dina's driveway. Her Victorian style house creeps into my vision, as my eyes adjust to the bright lights streaming from the windows. The crimson trim pops out against pale yellow paint as we step onto the front porch.

Dina swings open the bug netting that drapes in front of the door, and reaches to unlock the entrance, only to have her mom open it once the key clicks inside the doorknob.

"There you are. Dinner's getting cold." her mom reports with a soft but stern voice. Dina's mom, Jenn, has a personality just like my mom, but she doesn't mind if Dina acts out. She always accuses it to be, "teenage phases", or "that time of the month".

I follow the mouth-watering smells into the kitchen, Dina right beside me. Her father, Peter, sits at the far end of the dining table with a plastic plate in front of him displaying a colorful arrangement of different foods; pizza, mashed potatoes, corn, apples, and, of course, Jenn's homemade chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies. Lucky for me, it's left over night at the Oliver's – my favorite.

Picking up a plate from the pile stacked on the island, I grab a slice of pizza and a cookie before I go stand and wait for Dina to finish scouring the buffet of food items. After she collects enough food, she returns to the entrance of the kitchen, giving me the cue to head upstairs to her bedroom. I give a thank-you to Dina's parents as I start to escalate up the flight of stairs.

We proceed down the hallway until we reach Dina's room, which resembles her personality completely; a well-organized mess. Pieces of paper are scattered across the hardwood floor, along with dirty clothes, candy wrappers, and her stuffed animals. Yes, you heard me right. Dina is a teddy-bearaholic. She's been addicted to them ever since she went to Build-a-Bear for our friend, Lily's, birthday party when we were seven. I always give her a limited-edition bear for her birthday. For example, last year, I gave her a fluffy little Simba, for the release of the special-edition of The Lion King. The only thing she doesn't like is the outfits. She says that it ruins the "snuggle effect", having itchy sequin shirts, irritating polyester pants, and squeaky rubber shoes.

I sit down on the beige futon up against the back wall. I lean my head down on the cushions before I start eating, just to give myself a brain-break. My brain throbs inside my head, tired from running around with Jason, writing my history paper, and now dreading to start another project.

"You better get your crap together." Dina says from across the room. She sets down her plate on the nightstand and lays down on her bed, one hand raised to cradle her head to look at me. "Since you're late, like really freaking late, there's no time to rest. So, let's get cracking!" She shoves a spoonful of mashed potatoes into her mouth before picking up her yearbook binder and taking out a list of the questions we asked our new principal, Mrs. Kendall.

I reach for the cookie on my plate, but realize it's gone. "What the heck happened to my cookie?" I question.

"I don't know." Dina muffles, food flying out of her mouth as she chews while speaking. Little brown crumbs flutter to the ground as Dina shrugs her shoulders, completely oblivious.

"Did you really have to eat my cookie?" I say, laughing in my head, but displaying a frustrated face to show her I'm actually angry. "You already have like five on your plate."

"I already ate mine." she replies, food all swallowed down.

"You're a pig." I utter, stifling a chuckle as I take a bite out of my pizza. I hold the slice in my hand and look at her. "At least you're not taking this."

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