Part 13

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Hello everyone, it's Kate! We just wanted to let you guys know that we have decided to do a 10 day countdown in celebration of KSO's release with the Polyethnic!
For starters, you can follow our Instagram page, kinda.sortof for more pictures and updates. ;) We will be posting some of our favorite comments or entries for our contest on there, so be sure to give it a follow!
Secondly, YES, we are having a contest!!!!
You can send us fanart, notes/letters, book trailers (the link if that works), cute covers- anything!
The winners will be featured on both our Wattpad accounts, out Instagram page, and much more! This includes a follow (if we aren't already following you) on all social media sites (if you please:)). We will also read, comment, and vote on a story of your choosing, and give it feedback!
Feel free to DM us on Instagram or PM us here on Wattpad if you have any questions! Can't wait to see what you guys come up with💙
Kate :)

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