Chapter 7~ Jason

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Chapter 7


  I wake up the next morning, leaned against a window, sunlight streaming through its blinds. I'm confused for a moment, when I look around to find myself not in my own bedroom, or in my own bed- but Camryn's.

  Last night's events play in my mind. After our 'practice', Camryn and I sat on her bed and watched "Tangled", her favorite Disney movie. Apparently, we fell asleep watching, which explains why I went to sleep rested against the huge window that's next to her bed.

  I look down to find a really cute, silent Camryn, sleeping with her head in my lap. So much for my mother's rule of us "not sharing a bed". I chuckle softly at the thought; this is also probably not what people at school think of when they make innuendos about the two of us "in bed together". Sighing, I stare at Camryn's sleeping form. It's so peaceful and angelic- I doubt I look that pleasant and child-like when I sleep; there's probably drool coming out of my mouth, along with loud snores, when I do.

  I lightly brush Camryn's hair off her cheek, and whisper "Good Morning Bridget," in her ear. Camryn rolls over on her back, and looks straight up at me, smiling.

  "What a great way to be woken up in the morning," she says quietly. "When anybody in my family wakes me up, they scream in my ear, and rip the covers off me."

  I laugh, and face her as she sits up. Her wavy black hair is tied loosely in a bun, if you can even call it that; it looks like throughout the night, single strands came free from the hair bands' grip and fell beside her head. Before either of us can speak another word, particularly about what happened last night, her mom shouts from across the hall.

  "Honey, what do you want for breakfast?"

  Sluggishly, Camryn climbs out of bed and pulls me up with her. She starts to walk towards the door, until she suddenly trips over her backpack. Her foot slips out from under her, and she begins to fall forward. In a split second, I reach my hands out and catch her around the waist, just in time. She stands up, my hands still on her lower back, and turns to look at me. We stand there for a couple moments before she whispers a thank you, and continues to exit the room.

  Entering the kitchen, Mrs. Moore looks up at our disheveled clothes from the night before, and abruptly stops flipping pancakes.

  "Oh, hello Jason. I didn't realize you had come over, or stayed the night for that matter," Mrs. Moore says skeptically. Although Mrs. Moore thinks of me as a third child, I know that as a mother, she probably carries some concern about the appropriateness of two opposite gender teens sharing a room. (A bed, in fact.) However, I think that she's aware of how much I respect Camryn too much to try anything with her .

  "Yeah, he did Mom, for Game Night. We were watching 'Tangled' and fell asleep," Camryn says to fill in the awkwardness.

  "Well, as long as you're here, won't you join us for breakfast?"

  "Sure," I reply, "Thank you, Mrs. Moore, I appreciate it." I pick up a paper plate from the stack across the counter and catch a pancake that Mrs. Moore flips in midair. Camryn quietly applauds from the background, giggling at the same time. She grabs a plate and tries to do the same. But this time, the pancake tips off the side and falls flat onto the tile flooring. Camryn sighs and reaches down to pick it up and throw it away, but Harold is already there before her, eating away all the fluffy goodness he can get.

  "Oh, Cami," Mrs. Moore says.

  "Ha ha, thanks mom," Camryn replies, chuckling as she grabs a fresh pancake from the frying pan.

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