Chapter 11~ Camryn

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Chapter 11


"Oh my gosh! Jase look! That is so adorable!" I interrupt him, pointing to the window display of a store called, 'Unraveled'.

"Something adorable? But I'm already standing right here," Jason deadpans completely serious, before shooting me a lopsided grin.

My heart rate quickens just the tiniest bit, as I laugh and drag him into the store. I lead us towards a rack by the window, and begin fingering through to find the navy sweater I had seen in the display, in my size.

"If we have to be in here, I get to pick out something for you to try on," Jason announces from a section a few feet away.

"Fine," I numbly agree, rolling my eyes before adding, "But nothing super weird looking." I hear a poorly muffled laugh, and glance up to see Jason holding two horrid pieces of clothing. One is a camo-colored crop top with the word 'SWAG' on the front in cheesy, plastic sequins. The other is a hot pink and mustard yellow... ensemble. I say ensemble because there is truly no other word for it- I can't tell what it is. Something between a romper, tank top, and skirt. I send a 'joking' glare in his direction and shake my head.

"What am I going to do with you, Jason Porter?" I ask laughing.

"Um, worship the ground I walk on, supply me with food, and obey my every command?"

I ignore his outlandish comment and reply, "Just find something else, okay? I'm going to the dressing room."

A few minutes later I hear a knock at the door, and open it to see Jason standing there holding not one dress, but two. I don't normally do dresses, and Jason knows this, hence the incredibly annoying smirk on his face. I grab the dresses out of his hands without really looking at them, and watch as he takes a seat on the fluffy couch right outside the door.

"I'm trying these on last!" I call to Jason, while slipping on a loose, striped shirt. I receive a simple chuckle in return. After trying on the few things I brought in the dressing room, I hesitantly turn towards the dresses.

Instantly, I only notice two things about the first one: it is black and it is very short. "Short" as in if my mother or father ever saw me in it they would either pass out or send me to a reformation school.

"Jason-" I stop myself quickly from saying Jason you perv, and finish with: "I'll be out in a minute."

"Oh, okay," he replies, obviously surprised that I have complied with his 'dress request'. I can just picture his smirk falling off his face, replaced by confusion.

Suddenly hesitant at my own bold burst of confidence, I slowly slip on the dress.

Gracious, I think.

It's form fitting, low cut (not that I really have anything to show off), and stops at my mid-thigh.

Sweeping my hair over my shoulder, I look at myself in the mirror and take a deep breath. I crack open the dressing room door just a smidge, and peer at Jason- who is swallowing almost nervously.

"Hey Jason," I say teasingly, "What do you think of this dress?"

I completely swing open the door and Jase's mouth literally drops open; his Adam's Apple gulps. I walk closer to him and he just stands there, agape. I laugh (quite unattractively in contrast) and saunter towards the cashier, who's playing on his phone. Thankfully, I don't recognize him as someone that goes to our school.

"Fine," I call over my shoulder towards Jason, "If you won't give me your opinion, I'll just ask this boy over here."

Jason just stares back, his mouth still ajar, as if observing an alien.

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