Chapter 4~ Jason

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Chapter 4


    Camryn and I trudge into homeroom, five minutes late, expecting the usual lecture from Mrs. Polanski. Instead, we get something much more horrible. The comments from our peers start to ring out in a large mass of jeering and heckling.

   "What a surprise! The two lovebirds are late again!"

   "What were you guys doing this time?"

   "Is Jason a good kisser?"

   "How was the janitor's closet?"

   "Jase, you dog!"

   "Camryn's hot!"

   "How is she in b- "

   The last kid thankfully gets cut off mid-word, thanks to a death-glare from our teacher.

   I look over to Camryn, sitting at the desk next to mine, to see a ravishing blush on her freckled cheeks. I lower my head in embarrassment, fighting the urge to reach across and comfort her, but I know it would only make matters worse.

  See, people are always getting on our case, because apparently, it's impossible for a guy to have a girl as a best friend. It always has to be something more than that. And with high school students, 'more' can range from a crush to 'friends with benefits'.

  Mrs. Polanski quiets down the class, and begins to take roll.

   Homeroom is as exciting as it will ever be; the popular kids talking about who-knows-what, the Brainiacs finishing off their homework, tomorrow's homework, the fangirls giggling about how cute Dylan O'Brian is in Teen Wolf, and then us, the people who don't listen and don't care.

    Camryn does not glance in my direction for the rest of homeroom. I think it's time that we do something about this. Everyone's opinions are getting out of hand, and I'm afraid it'll affect our friendship; I don't want to lose my life-long best friend.

  Second and third period come and go, and Camryn barely acknowledges my presence. She says the occasional "Hello" or "How was class?", but then she drifts off into her own thoughts, not giving me the time of day.

  When Dina emerges from her third period to wave us hello down the hallway, Camryn perks up. She rushes over to Dina and hugs her, then steps away to gossip about how her classes went.

  Camryn and Dina disappear down the hallway, their collage of black and blonde hair slowly becoming smaller until they're out of my line of sight. When I turn around to walk into history class, Nick Johnson slaps a hand onto my back.

  "Dude, what's up?" he says in a surfer-dude voice. Nick is a jock, in every sport; basketball, football, soccer, track, baseball, volleyball, even dance. I mean for crying out loud! I understand that the football players need to take ballet to learn balance, but Nick dances as if it's the manliest sport alive. He makes ballet slippers look like Air Jordan's.

   "Nick, I have to go to class," I say. I do respect Nick when it comes to sports, but his ego disgusts me.

  "Bro, wait up! I saw you slide in late with Camryn this morning! She's hot man! Like, smokin'!" Nick shouts from across the hall. "Maybe when you're done with her, you can hook me up?" Everyone turns in to see my reaction; to see if I'll stand up for Camryn. Trust me, I would. But I knew that if I did, they would think I like her that way, and not only would they be harassing me about it, but they would be bugging her too.

   I rustle up my backpack and walk to class, ignoring the dozens of eyes staring in my direction.

  Right as the fifth period bell rings, I walk down the hallway, approaching Dina near a booth set up to promote the selling of the school yearbook. I buy one every year, since Camryn and Dina help make it, to support the Journalism class, but also because Camryn and I have a tradition of jotting down funny notes about every kid in the grade. We would skim through each page, picking out our friends, crushes, favorite teachers, and, of course, the people that we do not like (more specifically, the people who mock us as a couple). Right now, I feel like scribbling some nasty words over Nick Johnson's fall picture; the thought makes me smile.

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