Chapter 10~ Jason

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Chapter 10


Peering around the corner, my father's figure comes into view, his hands on my mother's shoulders.

"Lily, I can't do this anymore," he says sternly.

"What are you talking about?" she asks, tears filling her eyes.

"With all of it; I just can't take it. It's killing me. I just need to... get away."

"I don't understand."


"I'm leaving you," he answers, sounding out each word sinisterly; making sure each painful sound is heard.

At this moment, my mother's face turns beet red, and the droplets pooled in her eyes begin to fall. Looking away, my father grabs a suitcase from behind the couch and begins to stride towards the door.

"What did I do wrong?" my mother voices from across the hall.

My father grunts in response.

"When are we going to talk about this?" Practically yelling, my mother continues, shaking vigorously. "Was I not enough?"

They continue to scream at each other, hurtful phrases that make me feel itchy and jittery.

"Shut up woman!" Storming back over to my mother's direction, he leans in, as if about to hit her, and says only one more sentence before leaving, forever: "I don't want this, and I don't want you."

With a quick slam of the door, my mother falls into a heap, trying to comfort herself as she cries out. Not daring myself to walk out by her side, I trudge back to my room, silently crying myself to sleep.

The nightmare scares me awake, as it always does when I relive it. For some reason, though, this one hurts more than usual.

Instinctively, I reach a shaky hand, and grab for the nearest thing which, in this case, happens to be Camryn. Last night, we didn't finish the assignment until around midnight, and since we were both pretty much half-dead by then, Camryn crashed here.

Now, I'm grateful to have someone who cares about me by my side, acting almost like an antidote for my terrified emotions. I wrap my arm around Camryn's torso, pulling her back flush against me. With my hand draped lightly across her lower waist, and my head nuzzled in the crook of her neck, I drift back into sleep, wishing I could snuggle with Bridge like this every night.

The ringing of the alarm clock blasts Camryn and I awake, instantly. Without a glance, I reach out and press snooze, digging my face into the pillow. I close my eyes, hugging Camryn closer; wanting to stay in bed longer.

Groggily, I finally stand up off the ground and slip into the bathroom. I splash a cup of water in my face, trying to cool myself down, both physically and mentally. Although the stinging flashback still burns in my brain, I continue getting dressed, obscuring myself from Camryn's line of sight.

I hear her sigh and moan as she sits up on the bed.

"Good morning," I shout from behind the door.

"Good morning," she yawns. Stepping out from the bathroom, dressed in a knit long-sleeve shirt and dark jeans, I join Bridge in the middle of the room. Her hair is completely matted, resembling a black, bird's nest. Crumpled pieces of paper cover the carpet, and Camryn steps over them as she works her way to door, grabbing her backpack.

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