Chapter 5~Camryn

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Chapter 5


    The screeching of the dismissal bell pierces the air as I rush to gather up my things. When I walk out the door, I glance around for Jason, not believing he left without me. Suddenly, I feel hands clasp my waist, and a deep voice yell, "BOO!"

    Jumping, I turn around to meet Jason's stormy grey eyes, which now are crinkled with laughter.

   "Ha. Ha. Hilarious Jase," I say, my sarcasm dripping like thick syrup.

   "Oh, come on Bridge! You got to admit, that was funny."

   "You're right, your face is funny. I'm glad we agree."

    Jason fake gasps, slapping a hand onto his chest. "You're just jealous because you are not nearly as attractive as I, or as clever, or nice, or amazing, or swaggy, or..." I roll my eyes and tune out the list until I hear, ".... or tall." The words slowly roll off his lips mockingly.

   With a smirk, Jason runs down the hallway, knowing he's about to get pulverized. Nobody is allowed to tease me about how vertically challenged (or short) I am. NOBODY. Not. Even. Jason. Breaking into a sprint, I quickly chase him down the hallway and into the parking lot.

  "JASON ASPEN PORTER! Get your butt over here!"

  "Sorry, no can do, Thumbelina!"

  Arggghh. Quietly, I crouch behind a Porsche and wait for that (insert clever name) to come closer. Then ever so silently, I suddenly fly from behind the car onto Jason's back. He screams (quite unmanly I may add) and falls backwards taking me with him. Fortunately, Jason manages to turn around, so that he lands on his back with me on top of him. If it had been the other way around, I'd be a pancake right about now.

   We stare at each other for a moment or two, and then burst out laughing. Even though I'm still kinda mad at him, Jason's smile sort of makes up for it. It always seems to make me feel good.

   Still laughing, I'm about to get up, when I hear a squeal and see a camera flash.

   Ten minutes later, after explaining to Vivian Clyde (the girl who took our picture) for the millionth time how we are not "together", Jason and I sit in his convertible in silence - as in awkward silence. As in this-has-never-happened-before silence. I know earlier, Jason said it wasn't my fault, but once again I feel responsible. If I hadn't tackled him, then he wouldn't have fallen, I wouldn't have been on top of him, and we wouldn't have gotten our "cute moment" captured on film by Vivian.

   The convertible halts to stop in front of the store, its bright lights illuminating the beige front door.

  "Are you coming in Jase?" I question while sliding out of the car.

   "Nah, I got some stuff to do," He replies. Stuff? To do? We do everything together. That's the point of having a best friend.

   "Oh, okay." I say, trying to keep my tone neutral. "See you at game night tomorrow?"

   "Wouldn't miss it for the world, Bridge," He smiles before pulling out of the driveway and giving a curt wave.

   "Game Night" is a tradition that Jason and I have done pretty much our whole lives. Every Friday night, we get together and just play games- board games, card games, video games etc. Even when we aren't together, we still reserve a time to call, and play "verbal games" over the phone. We've never missed a Friday night in the eleven years we've known each other, and I don't plan on missing one soon. I usually don't even ask, but with what's going on, I wanted to check. It's kind of a big deal to us, it's our special "best friend thing" as my mom used to call it.

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