Redeeming myself...

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I watched helplessly as my parents closed the door behind them. I didn't quite get it. I didn't get why he betrayed me this way. He never showed up to meet my parents. I thought he loved me! I thought he was going to marry me! It was all his idea too. My parents thought that I was joking...

They always think I'm joking! BUT I'M NOT! I always tell the truth, yet no one listens to me. It's like I'm a ghost. I called him but he never answered me. Do you know what he did instead?


I look downward at the hardwood beneath my cold feet, feeling the tears beginning to well in my eyes

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I look downward at the hardwood beneath my cold feet, feeling the tears beginning to well in my eyes. Clenching my fists, I rushed to the door that led outside. I ran out to my car, yanking the door open and jumping in. Getting my key out, I jammed it in the ignition and began to drive off.

 Getting my key out, I jammed it in the ignition and began to drive off

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I fell in to a darkness that I could never come back from...

I fell in to a darkness that I could never come back from

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I know that I'm dead now...
but you want to know what's strange?
I didn't see my life flash before my eyes...
A lot of people says that's what's happens...
It didn't for me...
Am I really dead?
I'm sitting on a wooden chair in the darkness waiting to be eaten by some nasty predators...
My heart is pounding very fast!
Under the silence, I could only hear the thumping of my scared and anxious heart.
I-I w-want a second chance!
My life was unfair... I did good for others and look at where it has got me...
At the time I was looking at the ground and I suddenly felt a strange presence of hope before me. I took my chances by looking forward to be finding myself a strange light butterfly before my eyes. I reached my hand out for it and I noticed my heart was not pounding like before. My heart now was calm... the butterfly come closer. I felt the sensation to close my eyes and sleep, I did just that.

I'm now at ease..

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