The Evil Harem...

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After what happen with the indecent of me falling into Sinbad's arms a lot of the girls are really treating me in a bad manner. To make it even worse Sinbad even doesn't even notice, Jafar has but he hasn't approached me to talk about it. It hasn't gone out of hand but if these women want to start a war then I have no choice but to fight... sadly...

Sorry... I'm not the active protagonist you guys might all think I am. I personally don't like cause more problems, I tend to avoid them but they just keep following me...

I walk aside Sinbad he was talking to Jafar about some plans for something. I wasn't really listening and it really wasn't my business to know anyway...


I snapped out of my trance and I look towards Sinbad and Jafar.

"Yes?" I answered back.

"Are you alright? You seem distant?" Jafar is a bit worried about something.

"I'm just admiring my surroundings, I'm still getting used to my surroundings." Sinbad doesn't even notice... he doesn't see how the other ladies in his harem are treating me badly. Damn this... this is taking me back... this feeling... it's so familiar yet I can't name it... yeah it's weird... I'm weird.

"Oh wow Doctor really? You've been here for almost a year and you still haven't gotten bored with your surroundings?" Sinbad seems to notice something but he still a little clueless...

"It's the small things you know... they just interest me. If I wasn't interested in the small things then I wouldn't be a doctor. And also you forget that was I was literally sleeping for half of the time I am here."

"Really now?"


He laughs, gosh that had some warmth. His laugh is what makes me get through the day. I just want to make him laugh... gosh this is getting familiar...
I don't want to replay my last relationship with my ex to happen again...

We continue walking along doing tasks and all and I mostly stay more quite for the most part of the day.

"(Name), can you go deliver this to Yamraiha!" Jafar has a bag full of magical supplies and such. I take it of his hands, it was just me and him.

"Yeah, sure." I was walking way, but then he stops me.

"Hey, is something wrong?"

"Wow, so you finally noticed it."

"No, always have noticed it. I just-"

"You what?"

"I just thought you say something..."

"Even if I did... Sinbad would be blind to it... he always has eyes on women but..."

"I know what you mean... sadly that's the case... but you could of told me. I can help you!"

" I'm glad to hear that..."

" What do you mean?"

"Most of the time people always assume that I'm always lying and they never recognized that what I say is true..."

"That must be hard..."

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