The new reality...

255 15 3

I wake up feeling like I just came back from the dead.

"Ahh, your wake!"
I look to my left I realized it was the purple haired man that I saw the other day.
" It's you again! Don't you have anything better to do than watch me sleep?"

He cracked a smile.

"Ha, Ha, you have some sense of humor. After what happened when you were last awake, I would not let that simply happen again to a lovely lady like you."
I look at him with a weird look of confusion on my face.
"HA! Please! Me? Lovely? No !! After that crash and the injuries that I got, I'm anything but lovely!"

" You shouldn't put yourself down like that! What counts is on the inside right?" He was trying to cheer me up but it's starting to get worse...

" You should just stop it's not helping..."

"What do you mean? Why is that?"

" I'm all messed up and hurt inside too..."

"Well then were just going to have to fix that then, right?"

At that moment he had a very serious and sexy look in his eyes. I knew that we were flirting and I know from the conversation that we're having it's a obvious that he's a womanizer. But still I couldn't help but blush at his statement...

To change the conversation I say " Sooo, how long was I a sleep?"

"From the last time you were awake... it was about a month ago..."

My eyes widen "W-what?"

"In fact this isn't the first time you wake yourself up and have your panic attack..."

I'm still trying to take this all in... "how?"

"We found you on the grounds here 6 months ago... every time you would wake up and have a panic attack and then pass out not remembering what happened with you..."


"Yeah, but you seem better now..."

I hear the door open and close and someone walks in. It was the white haired man with the same potion as before.

"Sinbad! Here's the potion!" He passes the potion to Sinbad and then Sinbad looks back at me.

"Well, have to administer this medicine to you one more time, so that you get better at a better rate than now..." he doesn't finish his sentence but he opens the bottle again and takes the medicine again and places the medicine that he took from his firm lips to mine. My eyes are wide open and surprised that this happened to me for a second time. After taking the medication I give him a confused look but I'm also embarrassed and I'm blushing.

" why did you administer the medication with mouth to mouth? There are other methods!"

"Actually that's the only medication and way to administer the medicine to you... it's hard to explain but ..."

"But what?"

" you need time... you just woke up and a lot of information was thrown at you..."

" ok... I am tired again..."

" yes, please just go to sleep for now..."

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