The reason...

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"Why would they do this?" Hear Sinbad say as he is sitting on his bed in his special room. Wait did I say special? Wow that sounds like the BDSM room from Fifty Shades of Grey... OKAY! Let's get serious! All it is, is his bedroom nothing serious here. But apparently Sinbad doesn't let anyone in here unless they are the generals but other then that... wow that says a lot.

"You don't just let anyone in here right?" I was standing in front of him looking at him right in the eyes.

He lifts his head up and his eyes are looking right into mine. He had a stern and serious look, his eye brows were frowning."Yes, I don't just let anyone in here. But what does that have to do with anything?"

I shake my head "It has everything to do with this! Just look at me! They're targeting me and it's been under a year sense I have met you and I already have access to your room which is Impossible to get in!"

He then lifts one eyebrow up and tilts his head to have a confused facial expression. "You think that they are jealous of you?"

"More or less yes! It seems like they are from your harem. I think they think we're..."

He grasped my arm with his hands and he pulls me quickly towards him and we're now nose to noes. Foreheads touching and the lips were so close that I can feel his breath on my face.

"And we are what they think we are..." he then continues "We are bounded to each other by the magoi we share... and there no going back." I stared in to his amber eyes, as he stares back in to my eyes.

" Bounded together... is that why you made me move in to your room? Do you feel your personality changes when I'm not around?"

"As much as I don't want to say it but... yes, I do feel not myself without you... but what about you do you feel the same?"

"Without you around I feel crazy tired... to the point that I can sleep at any moment."

"Really now?"

"Yeah" I put my head on his shoulder and I suddenly feel the fatigue coming over me. I feel Sinbad hug me tight, he puts one hand on my head while the other is on my lower back. He lays back on to his bed and we both now are fast asleep ...

It was a long day...

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