To get better, you must first fall apart.

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     I open my eyes to see myself looking up to see that I was in some type of medical center. It was strange really, the reason why I say that is it doesn't look like the present day medical centers that here in the U.S...
I started to shake in fear this made no sense...

I don't recognize this place...

I began to hyperventilate, no one was in the room... the widow was open, the moonlight was shining through to the room.  I sat up on my bed a-and I was really trying to calm myself down but that didn't work...
I noticed that I still had my injuries from the car crash that I had before. I was struggling to move... the car crash was so bad that the full set of long hair that I had was shaved off so that they were able to give stitches and also they were able to rap around bandages on it, my body was filled with bandages. As clothing it seemed like I had an oversized shirt and I was wearing nothing underneath it... no bra, no panties... just like I said bandages.

I swing my legs of to the side slowly. I was feeling the pain and struggle as I try to lift myself up but that's what happened when you get into a car crash... Continuing on I lift myself up but to fin myself attacking the floor... (please note how much of a big ego I have to not say that I fell on the ground)
I try to bring all the strength I have and I try again on lifting myself up.  Once I got up I used the wall as a support to help me stand up. I'm seriously using all the strength I had to get out of this strange medical center. My first instinct is to get out, I didn't know why but I felt alone and scared and I didn't know what to do.

   In front of my there's a broomstick I use that to help me walk out of the room and into the vast hallway. As I open the door to the hallway I again fall on the floor and I feel blood from the wounds on my head dripping down on my face.

This was not good.

   I was getting light headed and my strength was leaving me. The was was was dark so I could not see or hear due to my injuries I had. I feel like if I tried to lift myself up again I would end up falling to my death again.

    So I crawled out more towards the middle of the hallway and I look up to hear footsteps and people talking but I couldn't understand what they were saying, to me it was a foreign language that I had never heard of before.

    I come to see that a familiar white haired man rushing over up to me and trying to offer me some help but at the time I was so panicked that I ended up using the broomstick as a weapon to get him away from me. The white haired man stopped and looked back to a much older and mature looking man who looked very wealthily who had long purple hair and a pony tail.

    Before I know it the purple haired man is right in front of me, he takes a flask that had some type of liquid inside and he drank it.

No I was a fool,

he unexpectedly placed his lips on to mine and made me forcefully take the liquid that he had into my mouth. The liquid made me dizzy and I ended up closing my eyes moaning in pain not in pleasure of the forceful and aggressive indirect kiss that I just had with this man...He gently releases his lips off mine, making sure I drank all of it. I didn't think much of it but he had firm but soft lips.

" Are you ok?"  He says to me.

... what the heck...

"I can understand you..." I say in my pained horse voice, avoiding the question that he just asked.

" yes, that was the liquid that you just drank it was a poition." 

" oh..."

"Uhggg!" Yelling out into his chest trying to grab on to his robs as tightly as I can. More blood drips down my head, it starts to stain his expensive white robs white my wet crimson blood.
"I-it hurts!" He's alarmed at first but he quickly brings me back to the room that I was just in and he starts to administer first aid on to my reopened wounds that I had. Feeling more at ease with myself I slowly start to drift into sleep...

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