Is not simple...

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As the title says...

It is not simple...

It is not simple to turn the other way when you have a problem...

However, as humans we do it anyway...

We stop, freeze, and ignore that we have a problem...

No one wants to fix the problem; people who are power hungry take advantage of it.

It is in every dimension and society we see... even in this one...

I stop and look at my notebook and I look at the small stanza I have. I am clicking the end of the pen at a continuous rate, there was no one around me and I was not bothering anyone else. Lately I started to journal more; it is a form a therapy for me. As time goes on, I am starting to find it hard to connect with the people here.

I do not feel comfortable or even talking because of people giving me crazy looks and not believing on what I say. I am starting to see a familiar atmosphere from my previous life, as I should call it. Sinbad and the others know that I'm not from here... they know that I'm different than any other person here but every time I open my mouth I feel them, distancing themselves from me like the other people that I have known in my previous live.

So... I stay quite...

No one really approaches me other than Sinbad and Ja'far.

They try hard to understand me... I am somewhat glad that they approach me to talk.

"Miss. Spirit?"

I zoom out of my trance then I turn my head to the voice that caught my attention.

"It's Doctor Spirit to you there ya little twerp!"

"Oh! Sorry, there Miss. Sp- I mean Dr.Spirit! I was wondering what exactly you do as a doctor."

I put on my best doctor face but really, I cannot believe he just asked me that question, "Well as I doctor, I save and take care of people."

"So you fix them?"

I giggled "Yes, Aladdin! I fix people; it's what I live for."

"Wow! You are awesome Dr.Spirit! However, how to you do it? I mean you don't use magic, right?"

"Well Aladdin, I had years to study the human body."

"Like with no magic at all?"

"Yes Aladdin, with no magic."

"Whoa! You have to teach me everything you know!"

"I'll teach you the basics alright?"

"Wow! You're cool!"

I smile at him, and then I look into the distance. "As a Doctor, I was learning to do general surgery so I know how to do a little bit of everything..."

He still stares at me "You miss saving lives?"

"Yeah... I guess you can say that..."

"You're a good person you know that!"

"Yeah... I guess you can say that..."

Before I even know it, I have King Sinbad Rushing towards Aladdin and me. "[Name], I need your help!"

"Yeah, sure I'll help but what happened?"

"It's Pisti! She's in pain and Yamraiha doesn't know what to do!" He answers in panic.

"Ok, don't panic Sinbad everything is going to be alright." I speed walk towards him and he leads the way to where Pisti's location is.

While we are walking he turns his head towards me, "How do you know she's going to be ok?"

I sigh; I turn my head towards him, "How about you tell me in a bit more detail on how Pisti's condition is."

"Well, she's in crying pain about her stomach."

I stay quiet; I have to see her before I make any conclusions.

"Well, [name] what is it?"

"You'll have my answer after I'm done with the consult-I mean after I see her"

We get to Pisti's location is and boy, oh boy are there screams... "AHHHHHHH! It HURTSSS! YAMM HELP MEEE!"

"Pisti I'm doing the best I can! Dr.Spirit should be here any moment."

On cue, I come in "Ah! You guys called?"

"Yes! Pisti here is in pain but I don't know how to help her!"

I look over towards Pisti and I walk over towards her. "So, on a scale of 0 to 10 how much does it hurt? 0 is no pain, 10 is the most pain."

"10! It's 10! It HURTS TOOO MUCH!"

"Ok. Where does it hurt?" I ask her.


"Pisti, honey can you be more specific?"

"It Hurts EVERYWHERE!" Oh, God make her stop screaming!

"Alright! Pisti, I am going to touch your stomach and tell me when it hurts."

I then put pressure on her stomach by pressing tips of my fingers in various places on her stomach. Once I pressed my fingers on the lower right of her abdomen, I knew what the problem was.


"Alright there my friend your appendix is infected! In other words, you have appendicitis! We need to remove it."

Sinbad looked at me as if it was the end of the world...

Is It?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2017 ⏰

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