Day 7: December 18

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Day 7: December 18


I used to think Christmas was the best time of the year. Opening presents under the tree, while your family took pictures. I used to enjoy the snowy and cold days, I used to enjoy the eggnog the day before Christmas and the hot chocolate on Christmas morning.

But all of that has changed through-out the years.

I regret being young and naïve at twelve years old and saying: "I would like to work with you guys for the rest of my life, every Christmas" to my mom and dad. I still remember their faces when I said those words, their tired faces turned into delighted ones and mom hugged me so tight, I swore I couldn't breathe for a few moments.

Now, seven years later and I can honestly say –and mean it, every word—I fucking hate Christmas.


"Luke, stop listening to music and start wrapping presents. We have six days to wrap all this thousands of presents. Remember:--"

I didn't have to stop my newest -but kinda old- Foreigner album to know what mom was about to say next.

"Wrapped presents hide big surprises" Mom and I said at the same time, but while she said it with a happy face, I mocked her. "Luke!" she scolded me and hit me with a tube of red wrapping paper.

I laughed and stopped my cassette, finally starting –again—to wrap the presents, in red and gold wrapping paper I covered the newest Barbie doll for little Susan, from a few blocks away. The Smith's family came to us to wrap their presents every Christmas. Neither of her parents could, they worked a lot to sustain little Susan and her six older brothers.

When I was done, I grabbed a Sharpie and wrote in cursive letters the name Susan Smith, on the card next to the ribbon.

One to go....

I looked to my left where my brothers Jack and Ben where laughing and throwing each other marshmallows, to see who could catch the most on their mouth while Jingle Bell Rock, played for the twenty-seventh time –I'm not even kidding, I'm counting them--, and rolled my eyes. With their "help" we would be staying late again tonight. And I really don't want that, I have to either convinced mom to let me go to this party with Michael or escape and get grounded.

A few hours later, when I thought I had done more than enough wrapping, I walked shyly to mom who was making some hot cocoa.


"Yes, Luke?" She smiled and I sighed before talking.

"Michael and I were invited to this party and—"


I gasped and groaned, following after her when she grabbed the cups of hot cocoa to give to some people who were waiting to be attended by dad, always at the last minute. Sure there were seven days left for Christmas but we were a busy family business, with lots of wrapping presents to do and not enough hands.

"Please mom, I think I have done enough wrapping for today" I whine and mom turned around after giving the hot cocoa to the customers, glaring at me. "Oh, come on. Don't look at me that way you know I do lots of wrapping, I even did Jack's presents! That he was supposed to do! And didn't!" I tried to reasoned with her while still following her around the shop.

"No Luke, and that is final" She turned around, and gave me a smile. "Now, get back to work. We need all the hands we can get" she shooed me away and I stomped my foot in anger.

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