Day 4: December 21

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Day 4: December 21


I could hear distant blabbering from upstairs, where we lived. Yes, over the shop.

Wanting more time to sleep, I groan and get off my bed. Pushing the covers off my body and leaving them half on the floor and half on the bed. I kept groaning while going down the spiral stairs. When I was on the shop, I was about to tell whoever was talking to shut the fuck up because this king needs his own sleep. But before I could speak, my eyes stared right at Calum. Again. But this time, he was talking with my mother.

My mother!

"Mom" I squealed, clearing my throat.

Calum was trying not to smile, but he ended up grinning, looking away from me. "What?" Mom finally asked, a kind of cold tone in her voice.

"What—what are you doing?" I looked around, trying not to meet Calum's hard stare, that was once again on me.

"I was just talking to your mom about my presents" Calum shrugged like it was no such thing, but by the mischievous look on his eyes I knew he just wanted to meet her and make my life miserable.

"Yeah. Which, I coudn't find." Mom raised an eyebrow at me, with her hands on her hips. "Where are Mr. Hood's presents, Luke?"

"Mr. Hood" I whispered to myself, and tried not to laugh but one look at Calum's hard face daring me to laugh, made me stop and I just smiled sarcastically.

"Um, they are in my room..." I scratched my pointy nose, something I did when I was nervous.

"Why?" Mom insisted.

"I'm going to be wrapping them myself..." when she looked at me weirdly, I quickly added. "Me and Calum are friends and I want to wrap the presents myself...?" I chuckled, rubbing my knuckles together with my sweater paws. I knew I was lying, kind of. I did want to wrap the presents myself because I didn't want mom to freak out over the expensive presents and I also wanted to wrap the presents myself, just because, which was weird because if I had the chance of never wrapping presents again, I would take it.

"Okay, well. I'm going upstairs to make lunch" Mom walked behind me and up the spiral stairs, leaving me and Calum alone in silence, not even the music of the store was on today.

"What hour is it?" I yawned, walking over to Calum. Wincing at the cold hardwood below my feet.

"About eleven thirty" Calum answered and my mouth hung open.

"It's too early, Cal. Why are you even here?" I crossed my hands.

"It's not even that late. And I want to take you somewhere today" He smiled, extending his hand over for me to take, he interlaced our fingers together and brought me closer to him, his body pressed against mine.

"Again? Didn't I have enough yesterday?" I looked up to see him looking at me, grinning. He leaned down and kissed my nose.

"Stop being dramatic, Luke. I think I'm the one who had enough yesterday." He chuckled and I joined him, remembering how he kept trying to show me to skate and I just kept falling on him. "I have bruises all over my body" he huffed.

"Maybe I can kiss them later" I suggested, even though I said that I was blushing like crazy and for him not to see me, I placed my head against his chest and hugged him.

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