Day 3: December 22

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Day 3: December 22


My eyes opened to ringing, the doorbell.

When I tried to get up, I noticed, Calum's arms were wrapped around me and I was pressed against his naked torso. I tried to make my way away from him, but Calum just made a sound from his throat and held me close.

The ringing came again, this time following by a knock and a male voice. "Calum, open the door!"

I took one of his arms and placed it next to him, getting over him and falling on the floor. I stayed frozen for a moment, to see if Calum woked up but he didn't.

Heavy sleeper!

I ran away from the room and stumbled against one of the sofa's on my way to the door, opening fast, not even taking time to notice my attire.

"Calum—wow" the guy in front of me stopped talking, and just stared at me in surprised before he smiled.

"Um, I brought a few stuff for Calum... Is he home?" The blond curly haired guy asked, showing barely there dimples, from the beard covering his jaw.

"Calum is sleeping" I told the guy in front of me, getting shy at his attractiveness. Who is he?

"Oh" the man frowned for a moment before grinning at me. "I'm his neighbor, Ashton" Ashton extended his hand for me to shake and I shook it, still trying to hide myself behind the door.

"Hey" I nodded, not knowing what to say.

"He told me to leave the stuff on his island but I think I lost his key" Ashton said, and stepped into the house like he own this house. I just frowned, walking behind him.

He could be lying. He could be a serial killer bringing his gun in that bag—

"I'm guessing you're Luke. Calum told me about you" Ashton spoked, taking some stuff from the bag and leaving them on the fridge, I catched a glimpse of eggs and frowned even harder. "You weren't supposed to see me" Ashton looked up from the bag, still smiling. "Not even, Calum. I just came to leave a few things and... this" He grabbed a yellow piece of paper from his back pocket and left it on the island.

"What kind of neighbor lets another one enter his apartment?" I asked, not even thinking about the question before asking it out loud.

I thought this Ashton guy would be surprised about my question but he just leaned on the island, and kept smiling at me. "Calum and I are friends" he shrugged and turned around, going to the fridge and grabbing milk. "Coffee or hot chocolate?" He asked and I walked closer to the island, sitting on top of it silently.

"I don't like coffee" I whispered, rubbing my thighs with my hands to get warmer. I was in loose boxers and one of Calum's black sweater.

"Hot chocolate it is" Ashton nodded. I noticed his curly hair bounced a little everytime he nodded; I found it cute.

It was silent while he made the hot chocolate. Cutting the chocolate and letting it fall on the boiling milk. I just swung my legs and counted my fingers and toes over and over again until I reached sixty-five when Ashton decided to break the weird silence.

"I remember that shirt" He said and when I looked up, Ashton had a fond look on his face. I felt self-conscious for a moment and like if I should know something. When he noticed he spaced out at whatever memories that went through his head, he shook his head. "Sorry, I—I shouldn't have said anything" he apologized, and I noticed his cheeks were red, but it didn't look from embarrassment and I felt dirty in that sweater now.

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