Day 5: December 20

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Day 5: December 20


I had just finished my thirty-fourth present, wrapping it of course, when the bell dinged, making me look up. I stopped breathing for a moment as Calum walked over to me, with a sack over his shoulder and a smile on his face.

He placed the sack on the counter and I just stared at it.

"Just so you know, if you brought the dildo, my parents can't know about that present. We have a policy of not wrapping weird ass presents" I pushed the present I had just finished away from me, to make room for me to see what was in the bag Calum brought. As he chuckled and shook his head, I opened the bag and my mouth hung open at the first thing I saw, a button up white shirt in a box...An Yves Saint Laurent button-up shirt. "Is this real?" I hold up the box, looking straight at Calum, to see if he was being for real and apparently, he was.

"Very real" He grinned.


"I have another sack in my car, I'll be right back" He said before turning on his heel and walking away, leaving me dumbfounded as I kept grabbing present after present, all expensive as hell.

In the sack, there was various Victoria Secret items, makeup that looked expensive as hell, various perfumes, and other stuff that looked really pricey but that I have never heard of before.

"Wow, a Gucci flower men's shirt..." Michael commented, eyeing the shirt. "I have a friend named Harry that would like this" he left the shirt on top of the sack as I eyed all this stuff.

"This is crazy, Michael. My brothers would have a fit if they saw all this expensive stuff from one person alone" I leaned against the counter, staring at this pretty golden watch.

"And apparently this is not the end of the gifts, he has another sack!" I protested.

It was silent for a moment before Michael spoke up. "Would you mind if I asked him to be my sugar daddy?"

"Michael!" I gasped and threw him the closest thing to me, which happened to be a crystal ball, he dodged it quickly and I watched in horror as it broke on the wall.

The sound of chattering glass being surprisingly loud enough for my brothers to come running from the back door to see what had happened, and my mother came running behind them, only to glare at me when she saw it was me who made all the ruckus, her eyes followed to the wet wall and the glass on the floor and she looked like she was trying to hold her emotions together.

She shook her head disappointedly and walked away, leaving me feeling horrible.

I had just broken mom's lucky snowball glass.

"Oh man, you are screwed..." Jack laughed, walking to where the broken snowball glass was.

Jack and Ben walked away as Michael and I walked over the dead piece, Mickey Mouse's head a few inches away from his body, and the Christmas book and his Santa Claus hat on the other side. Fake snow all over the floor with pieces of crystal and water.

"I feel like this is partly my fault, but you did throw the ball, so it's mostly your fault" Michael whispered, taking a pack of gum from his pocket and putting one on his mouth. "One want?" he asked.

"Minty flavored?" I asked, sitting down on the floor and taking Mickey's head in my fingers.

"Your favorite" Michael sang, and I smiled sadly, taking one piece of gum, and placing it on my mouth.

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