Day 2: December 23

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Day 2: December 23


It was almost Christmas and I had to admit I was a bit excited this year, unlike the last years' where I didn't get excited. Sure, mom got me stuff I wanted but for some reason it didn't fulfill my heart to the point where I was too excited I could burst.

Calum ended up leaving me at my house today, at three in the morning. I was guessing my family was begging to see me and as soon as my face hit my pillow I fell asleep.

"Luke, wake the fuck up. Mom wants to talk to you"

I was awoken, rudely might I add, by my brother Jack, as he shook my shoulders. When I opened my eyes I saw he was right in front of me and blinked rapidly, pushing his face away with my hand.

"Dude" he whined. "Seriously, wake up. Mom wants to talk to you"

He got up and walked out of my room, leaving me alone once again.

Million reasons as to why mom wanted to talk to me came to mind, like why I didn't contact them this few days I had been with Calum, or ... I'm not even sure honestly.

But I ended up getting up from my bed and getting my feet tangled in the sheets, that made me face plant myself into my grey carpet. Groaning, I got up to brush my teeth and change.


"What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked to mom as soon as she ended a conversation with one of the customers she was attending.

Leaving Jack to attend the other customers. Mom gestured for me to walk with her and we walked upstairs, sitting down on our living room. I noticed she was still mad at me and I felt bad, I had to apologize to her.

"Have you wrapped Calum's presents?" She asked, looking at me with a blank face.

My look of fuck I forgot, gave it away and she sighed. "Please do that today before going out with Calum again"

"What—How do you know I'm going out with Calum again today?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing.

My mother smiled, she finally smiled at me after a few days and I felt good.

"Calum told me, he was probably going to pick you up all this days. Except tomorrow, tomorrow he is coming here to have dinner with us" She gushed.

I didn't know Calum was coming tomorrow to have dinner with us. I mean, I didn't even remember honestly, that we were gonna have a dinner. And now I was nervous, for him to come. I mean my brothers will do anything to embarrass me. They would bring out the baby pictures before mom ever would!

"But, Luke. I'm glad Calum told me you were staying with him, because I would've been worried. You didn't tell us you were staying with him!" She told me, looking angry but not like scary angry.

"Sorry?" I asked innocently.

"Ugh. At least your boyfriend is kind enough to let me know you are with him" She rolled her eyes and I choked on my own saliva.

"What? Boyfriend?" I looked at mom with widen eyes and she shrugged.

"Yeah, that's what he told me. That you have been going out for a few weeks already. I still can't believe you didn't told me. Anyways, I must go. Have fun today!" she smiled again as she got up and left me alone in the living room with the word boyfriend in my head like a song on repeat.

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