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After a day with the Hemmings family and meeting Luke's grandmother, the one who likes squishy cheeks like mine (yes she grabbed my cheeks), I was home, looking at the ceiling as I waited for the people who will help me with the party I was going to have.

While waiting for the food people and the decorators, I took a shower and got ready.


"Thank you for offering to help, even though I didn't need it" I chuckled, Ashton looked up and glared at me.

"Calum, this party isn't a party without real food. And by real food I mean sweets, dessert." He muttered as he mixed the mixture to make chocolate chip cookies, taking a spoonful of cookie dough and eating it.

There were lots of people in my house, leaving tables with food, balloons and decorations with the colors gold, silver, red and black. While I just stared at Ashton in his apron and chef hat, which I thought it was funny but when I commented it he just growled at me. Like literally growled. So, I never commented it again.

Ashton was taking culinary arts and he knew how to make lots of stuff, back when we were dating he would come here and practice and made me eat it and give him rating.

Even after all of that, he still comes here from time to time to do that, or he just does it at his apartment and then leaves me a bag with food outside my apartment when he loses my key (which is a lot) or just leaves it at the counter.

I didn't want to help Ashton because then I would get my clothes dirty and I already showered. So, I just ordered people around and watched Ashton get butter up to his nose.


It was almost ten when I started to worry about Luke, he had told me he would be coming at eight and called me an hour ago that he would come late. I could've just drove to his house and picked him up but he insisted that he could take the subway and come here.

Even though there was Christmas music playing in the background, the TV was on. And my apartment was packed with so much people; maybe Luke even arrived but I haven't found him. But that was ridiculous.

Someone stumbled against me and I was about to yell when I saw Ashton giggling, and looking kind of nervous at me. "Sorry, I lost my footing" He stepped away from me, but he was still pretty close.

"It's okay." I said and he was about to walk away when I grabbed his hand.

"Have you seen Luke?" I asked and his eyes widened, as he shook his head.

I ignored the longing look on his face and started to walk to the front door when it opened, Luke entered laughing and closed it fast. I was about to ask what happened, but Luke just pressed his finger to his lips, his body against the door.

"Luke, let me in. It's freezing!" Someone yelled from the other side and I tried to ask again what was going on but Luke only rolled his eyes and opened the door so fast, whoever was on the other side fell face first.


"Sorry, I'm late" he grinned, looking all innocent with a grin on his face and his hands behind his back. "Michael tagged along at the last minute" Luke rolled his eyes and pointed to the boy who got up so fast he almost fell again from the dizziness, not until I took a hold of his arm.

Seven Days Until Christmas [Cake Af]✔️Where stories live. Discover now