Rules of Surunikhet

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1) Telling about Surunikhet to Prosaicians are forbidden, especially to those unworthy, unless given permission.

2) Every Surunikhans individual who stays at Prosaic must keep the Rules strictly.

3) Every individual who has a child born or raised in Prosaic must know the process of development.

4) All Prosaician born or raised half-blood or full-blood must attend a certain institution that helps them control their abilities.

5) At the age of eighteen, all powers and their heritage must be known as they are to stay in Prosaic.

6) Below the age of eighteen, the child must be given a limited information if he/she experienced the supernatural.

7) Every Prosaicians who experienced the supernatural of Surunikhet must be either kept secret or be erased from the memory.


I'm xory if the first one is a little bit complicated, but hope that you could enjoy this story 😄🐶...

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