" You're going to be okay ..."

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After overdosing numerous times, i went back to have my checkup. My heart and liver were checked for damage. The only difference is my heart had much more damage emotionally than physically speaking health wise.

If I could give advice to anyone it would be that addiction is not something to play around with. It only takes one time to become addicted to something. With that being said, we're all addicted to something that takes the pain away. Whether that be cutting, sleeping, smoking, doing drugs, drinking, or even as far as sleeping around. But is it strange for me to say that if I were to die today, there's not a thing that I would change? Of course, im mad at myself, not you. I taught you I came last, and you used that to push me away.  It was the middle of the third grade when I realized I was different from everyone. Had I known, this was only the beginning.  Exquisite items are like the components of life. It is bittersweet how we cannot fathom the way one is exquisite and how a gorgeous soul of burning light can feel so depressed. We devote all our time to undersized, unimportant acts of dark lugubriousnesses, even though, society doesn't give a small pity for the sphere of humanity. When faced with a decision, who would you choose, the one you adore or the one who adores you?

Andrew made that decision for the both of us ...

He gets to enjoy the touch of another person as I spend all my time sitting in my cold escape from the world, wishing to live one day without the breaking pain in my chest of hurt and guilt. As stated by Melina Marchetta, "... Grief makes a monster out of us sometimes and sometimes you say and do things to the people you love that you can't forgive yourself for." Did I change or did he just stop loving me? It's hard to wait around for something that you know might not happen but it's even harder to give up,when you know it's everything you ever wanted.

"I'm going to be okay," is that what you want me to say?

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