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Dreaming_Memories and LadyLily03 this is for you guys!

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Book 1 of the Lost Trilogy. These are Independent books which means they do not have to be read in order, but it is advised.

I didn't run away because I wanted to. Well, that's how it started out anyway. You see, about two years ago when I was fourteen and going through my rebellious stage. I was in my room reading that one book by John Green about how the girl named something wanted adventures and she wasn't very happy at home; so she left clues for whoever she thought was important so they always knew her whereabouts. Well I thought it was a good idea at fourteen and I ran away for a week and a half to the circus and it was fun while it lasted.

Now I'm sixteen and I have got myself into a load of trouble, I mixed in with the wrong people. I have valuable information about some people I ran into and now everyone wants me for it. Good or bad, they all want it. I can only hope that my friends haven't given up on me like my parents have. I left them clues, major ones, and I can only hope they follow them all.

My names Hope Maxwell, a sixteen year old girl who actually wants to be found unlike that girl from that book written by John Green. Friends please do help me, I need you the most right now.

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